Chapter 9

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Chris's POV

I was sitting on a curb next to the bus smoking my cigarette, Logan was asleep, everybody was asleep, well except me of course.

I looked up at the stars and smiled at how beautiful they were, "hey baby, um I don't know if you can hear me, or if I'm just talking to the sky, but whatever. I miss you, so so much, and I'm pretty sure Logan misses you too, one day she just started crying and crying, and well I assumed she was crying for you, I hope.

I just wish you could come back baby, I need your help, Logan needs her mommy, I need my fiancé, soon to be wife, I just need her here with me. The guys keep telling me I'm a good dad to Logan, but I have a feeling I'm not, I just feel like I'm ruining her life, like she would be better off somewhere else, and not with me. Although, I do like it when she sucks on my pinkie like its a pacifier, I think that is so cute, it's amazing how much she looks like you, especially her hair, god how dark brown her hair is, I'm sure it was just painted like your hair.

But um, yeah, remember how we said we were gonna get married a month after Logan was born? Yeah, well that's coming up pretty soon eh? I bet your dress was gonna be very pretty, but not as pretty as you, you were the most beautiful girl on the planet, when you walked into a room, it was like everyone else was gone, and you were my other half.

I remember when I had a crush on you when Farrah first introduced us, god you were so pretty back in high school, I mean you were always pretty, but I think I liked you when you put those multi colored highlights in your hair, they really suited you baby.

Well, I think I'm gonna go inside and go to sleep. I really miss you Jen, so so much babe, you have NO idea, I just want you back. I love you." I said and stood up, while wiping my tears away and walked back onto the bus, then back the the bunk alley, where my sleeping angel was sucking on her pacifier, I moved the pacifier and traded it in for my pinkie.

I didn't sleep that night, I just stayed up watching my baby sleep, and kept thinkin about all the times me and Jen had shared.

God I missed her.

***hey guys, well I cried while writing this, but yeah. So what did you guys think of Chris talking to Jen? Did you like it? Did you hate it? Give me your thoughts on this story! And I want actual thoughts! Not just "it's great!" Or "this sucks!" I want your honest oppion! Tell me something about the story you hate or love.. Please it would be very helpful!!***






Baby Motionless (Chris Cerruli is my daddy)Where stories live. Discover now