You Dye Your Hair

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Dean: You wanted to match Dean a little, as you felt you guys weren't conected enough. Dean's favorite colour is actually teal, but doesn't say it is because he thinks it's gay. You dyed your hair teal and waited for him to get home. He came back about an hour later and took one look at your hair, before you smashed him in a hug. Needless to say, he loved it.

Sam: Your hair was getting old, you wanted another colour, and Sam's favorite colour happened to be irish green. You have had a bottle of irish green hair dye for quite some tim now, and so you decided to finally use it. You read the directions and put the hair dye on (I've never dyed my hair before, so I'm just making it up as I go...) making sure to not get it everywhere. Sam came back and you surprised him with your hair. He was very happy and loved it. (ba da ba ba baaaa! I'm lovin it!)

Castiel: You didn't know Cas' favorite colour, he said he liked them all equally, but you wanted a little change in your current style. You went to the salon to get it done. You had dyed your hair a magnificent purple (if you have dark hair, too bad) Cas was happy at the change, and your new nickname was flower, as his favorite flowers were purple.

Lucifer: The first thing you thought of when shopping for hair dye was Satan, (well that sounded better in my head...) your boyfriend. You thought of hell, and the colours of hell. You got red, black, and orange dye, so you could make your hair look like flames, or a fox, either one looks cool. Lucifer was out torturing people, like always, so you did your hair in the bathroom. When Luci came home, he was throughly inspired. He was gonna go set fire to some things, or get a pet fox, or both...

Garth: Three words that describe Garth: Bubbly, Happy, and Fun. What colour best describes those three words? Pink. You got your tips done in a nice pink, it wasn't too bright, but wasn't too dark, either. You came home while Garth was doing whatever it is that Garth does when he is alone, and when he saw you, all he said was ''Let's go dance!''

Benny: Benny wasn't one for colours outside of black, white, and brown, but you convinced him into letting you get streaks of electric blue. He actually really liked it after it was done.

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