You Get Back Together (part two of He Cheats On You)

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This isn't going to contain Castiel or Garth, as Garth wasn't in the last one, and you didn't breakup with Castiel.

Dean: You had been gone a month, staying at your best friend's house. There had been countless texts and voicemails from Dean, telling you that he was sorry, and all that jazziness. You went to the store one day, getting supplies, when you saw Sam at the produce section of the store. He saw you and walked over to you.

''(Y/n)! Dean has been a wreck, what happened?'' Sam asked. ''Oh, he didn't tell you he was a lying, cheating bastard?'' You tried to walk away, but Sam gently grabbed your arm and gave you his adorable puppy dog eyes. ''You need to talk to him, (Y/n), he almost died on a hunt. He is heartbroken, please.'' Sam pleaded.

You agreed, and went to where the boys were staying. Bean sat on his bed, his eyes puffy and red from crying. He thought it was just Sam, but when you sat down on the bed, he knew it was you. He looked up at you, half expecting you to slap him and half expecting you to hug him right away. You did neither, and he started crying more, which made you tear up.

''(Y/n), I'm so, so , so sorry, I-I didn't mean to go with her, I *sniff* I got too drunk to care.'' He voice was broken. ''I understand, now that I have an explanation, but if I ever catch you again, this won't ever happen.''

Sam: (This takes place when Sam is soulless

Sam went with Gert!? Fuckin' old lady! How could a seventy year old give him more pleasure than me? You thought as you drove to your sister's house. (let's just say you have a sister, for now) You got to her house, and just walked in. You sat down next to her on her couch, and began crying on her shoulder, explaining to her what had happened.

''He likes that old raisin? Better than you? I tell you I will give him a piece of my mind!'' She grinds her fists together. ''No, no, (sister's name), just, let him realize that he really needs me.''

After no calls or texts from Sam for over two months, you got a call from Dean, saying that Sam is back. You asked him what he meant by that, and he just told you to come to some motel. You arrive a short time later, and Sam comes out and kisses you.

''Hey shorty, come in!'' He said, happily swinging his arm around your shoulder. You shoved it off, and looked at him with Death in your eyes. (suddenly, Death walks out of your eyes) ''Have you forgotten what you did? You can't just act like everything is okay!'' You crossed your arms, Sam just gave you a look. ''What do you mean?'' He looked utterly confused. Dean came out and explained everything to you, telling you that Sam was soulless for a time.

Basically, after Cas broke Sam's wall, he remembered what he did, and kept apologizing.

Lucifer: Lucifer flew into your car while you were driving, and you just stopped the car at the side of the road and got out. You were ready to beat the shit out of your now ex-boyfriend.

''Now, now, let me explain myself. This one crazy woman is all over me, but I'm only going to her house to work on a project we were assigned  at work, and she thinks I like her, but really, if it wasn't completely un-human like, I would have burned her in her basement.'' You thought about it some, and figured since he has never lied to you, why would he now?

You decided to forgive him, and as soon as you did, he flew you home, and you two engulfed into passionately passionate passion, yeah...

Benny: It had been close to four months, and you had been living with Sam and Dean since the breakup. Benny was Dean's best friend, but the fact that he cheated on you made Dean want to rip Benny's heart out, literally, as you got your heart ripped out, figuratively.

Benny had your scent for life, so he decided to find you, and tell him he's sorry. He found you sleeping in the motel, alone. He gently woke you up, and told you it was an accident, that he didn't mean to cheat on you. You took that as a big steaming pile of dog shit, and slapped him, hard.

''You mother fucking dickhead!!! You know, I should just cut your head off right her, right now!'' You yelled, grabbing the machete under the bed. ''Look, Darlin', she meant nothin' to me, just give me one last chance to make it right.'' He pleaded. Man, did he have a way with words on you...

''Fine, but only one chance, don't waste it.'' He then had you pinned under him, while he was kissing you, because, why not?

Hello peoples!

I hope this wasn't too cheesie, but then again, who doesn't like a lot of cheese? Unless, of course, you're lactose intolerant, then that would suck dick...

No, not the male genitailia, Dick Roman, of course! Unless you're sucking Dick's dick...

Maybe Dick's dick has a dick, and maybe that dick has a dick named Jack...

Well, my attempt at being funny, I hope you didn't die from how heartbreakingly unfunny my joke was, but you just keeping awesome, unless you're Dick Roman, then just keep being incredibly hott, and awesome. But then again most of my readers probably are pretty attractive, unless you're a cat, cats are beautiful creatures, but they're evil, which make them ugly, so don't be a cat.


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