Crowley Master Post

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How you meet: 

One day, you were on your way to meet some friends at a really fancy club, when you walked by a crossroad. You thought of crossroads demons, and all of a sudden, a shorter man appeared into thin air, dressed in a stylish black suit. You discretely pulled out your angel blade, but the man noticed somehow.

''Tsk, tsk, tsk, no Darling, I don't think any of that will be happening.'' He appeared close behind you, snapping his fingers to make your blade disappear. "(Y/n (Y/l/n), pleasure to meet you in person, my name is Crowley." He took your hand and kissed the top of it gently.

You blushed at his actions, but, since he is in fact a demon, you denied your ever so growing crush on him.

Several weeks went by from that night, and you kept seeing little glimpses of the man everywhere you went, whether it be in the grocery store or your bathroom, you continued to see him.

His nickname for you: My love, darling, or Little dove. He mostly calls you my love, though.

Your nickname for him: My king, when you're feeling dainty, but generally Crowley for everyday use.

First Kiss: It was your third date, a fun night out on the town, when Crowley took you to a very big, very beautiful fountain. You were surprised at how romantic it was, but you evidently loved it. While you were just staring at the magnificent water, Crowley gently grabbed your face and planted a little kiss on your lips. Well, that kiss led to other kisses, and those kisses led to the bedroom.... Should I continue?

Things you do that drive him crazy (in a good way): Whenever you're either reading, writing, or doing anything that halfway requires quietness, you always put on some relaxing music to keep the outside world away from your quiet state of mind. He thinks it's stunning... I guess.

Fights: Crowley hardly ever argues with you, but when he does, it can get pretty heated. Mostly, you just pester him about how he never takes enough time for you, or how he tortures too much, and usually, he'll just get all smug with his smug face and his smug attitude and sass you, because Crowley is Mr. Sass.

He finds out you're pregnant (for those who partake): In the middle of the night while both of you were sleeping, you felt nausea coming over you, so you ran to the bathroom and... Did gross humanly business... You thought that was a bit odd, but brushed it off, you probably just had some off food. Going back to bed, you immediately remembered that you and Crowley did the frickle frackle quackle a few nights ago.

You sat up in shock, running to the drugstore to buy a pregnancy test.(well, driving, who actually runs to the drugstore?) Luckily, they were open, so you bought one, went home, then used it.

All three of the tests came out positive. How the hell am I going to tell Crowley? I doubt he even wants a kid. You thought. Crowley was up now, due to your frantic breathing. He tried to come into the restroom, but it was locked.

"Darling, what's the matter?" You opened the door, revealing a worried, half naked, Crowley. "You're gonna need to sit down.."

You sat yourself and Crowley on you guy's bed, and you reached to hold his hands.

''Please, don't hate me, or leave me, this might not be the best news for you.'' You handed him a test, and watched his face for any emotion.

His face lit up like the sun when he realized it was real, and tackled you in a hug. This was the side of Crowley you never really saw, but were extremely happy to see it. Crowley kissed you passionately. 

''I will never leave you, My love.''

Child names: Boy:: Xavier, just a unique name for a... Unique Prince. Girl:: Alexandria, you both say it's fitting for a princess.

He meets your family: At first, your father was a bit sceptical about Crowley, claiming to your older brother that he seemed a bit, Older. Of course, Crowley was a bit old, so was his vessel, but you still loved him. Crowley proved himself to be a great guy for you, watching football at the end of the night with you father and brother, talking about all the things your dad likes, it was simply wonderful.

How you and him sleep: Spooning, or sometimes just holding each other, but mostly spooning.

His first gift to you: Your very own throne. Custom made with all your favorite colours in all the right places.

When He gets jealous: Pffft! Just, pffft! Pffft! Don't mess with you, boys, or grills, or stoves, 'cuz fuck all y'all asses up! Crowley'll get chu motha effer!

{Edit from the day after writing this} Kids, don't write supernatural preferences after four in the morning, while taking cold medicine, it will fuck up your day.

He gets you a pet: You were into the more, let's say, big, animals, so Crowley got a you a pet grizzly bear... Eh boo boo, wanna go steal a pickanick basket?

How he hugs you: His hugs are short and sweet, never lasting more than six seconds, unless he's missing you, then he squeezes the life outta you.

Where he likes to kiss you: Well, now I can't write that, can I? Too inappropriate? Let's just say he likes to kiss the lower parts of you.

How he wakes you up: Gently shaking you awake, or when Crowley is drunk, which only happens occasionally in the morning, he'll blare Ke$ha in you ear, which pisses the hell out of you.

His name on your phone/ your name on his phone: His:: My loving King

Yours: My life and my pride

When you're sick: He's the king of Hell, he'll just heal you.

You dye your hair: The first colours you thought of when you looked at Crowley were blood red. You got your whole head dyed, and then you looked like your head was just oozing out blood, but Crowley loved it, he claimed it was inspiring.

You get turned/ Possessed: One of his demons possessed you, trying to rebel against Crowley, but he wouldn't take that, and expelled the demon. Teach you not to mess with the King of Hell's lover!

His favorite part of your body: Definitely your.. Okay, not going to say it... Nope, not sayin' it! Okay, fine, he loves your neck! Haha haaaaaa, fooled you! I'm not funny...

You break a nail around him: He's a dick, obvi.

Beach Day: Crowley hates the beach, last time you went to the beach with him, he just hid under the umbrella the whole time. He doesn't really like to show off his body, unless he's in the the bedroom with you. ;)

What even is this? Why do I still try? I guess writing late at night isn't the best option. Well, hopefully you like this, I will now be adding Crowley to my preferences, if you have another character you'd like me to write in, or a request for an imagine, I'm very happy to do so. Thanks for reading!

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