Holy Hell: Lucifer x Reader

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{WARNING: Thoughts of suicide, cutting} [Please read note at the end] (Also, I am very dark right now, and might regret posting this later)

I just want to end it...

Nobody cares about me, I'm all alone...

A man who called himself Lucifer made his way into your home, where these wretched thoughts wormed their way around your head as you sat at the edge of the bathtub, contemplating whether to just end it right here. You glanced at a bottle of pills on the counter, then looked down at your bloody wrists. What is there to lose?

Several months ago, even before that, you had been battling depression and your anxiety. First, it was the man who kidnapped you, beat you, tied you up, and beat you some more. Luckily, a man saved you, but that wasn't the end. An abusive boyfriend and fake friends had started it all, the bomb, so to speak. Then, the same guy that had saved you before, found you outside your house, bruises on your covered arms, crying on the porch. He had befriended you, but you still didn't trust him completely, you have dealt with too many fake friends and liars, you didn't know what to think about him. After a while, with the help of the man, Lucifer, you broke up with your boyfriend, but that still wasn't the end. At your workplace, your co-workers made venomous comments about you, the cuts and scars on your arms, your insecurity, you even over heard your 'friend' complain to your boss that you 'made everyone uneasy, unsafe, from the mental instability'. That started the bomb again.

There you were, sitting with bloody wrists at the edge of the tub, sobbing uncontrollably, a razor in your hand. 

Why stop here? Nobody's gonna miss me. Nobody cares what happens to me, they all hate me..

A frantic knock came at the bathroom door. ''(Y/n), it's me,'' Lucifer...

''Go away!'' You sobbed, you didn't want him to see.

''(Y/n), please, let me in.'' His voice was soft, low, and soothing. The knob began to jiggle, and Lucifer realized it was unlocked. Lucifer's eyes fell upon your wrists, and a worried look plastered his face. ''What have you done?''

Lucifer quickly grabbed cloths from the counter and pressed them to your cuts, all the while you sat there with tears streaming down your face. You couldn't believe what was happening... Your deepest secret, and a man who saved your life, twice, and you still doubted his friendship.

''Why?'' You asked, looking down to him, tears dried on your cheeks. ''Why do you care so much? Nobody has ever cared, so why now?'' 

A look of sympathy crossed Lucifer's face as he looked up at you. ''Because, ever since I first met you, I felt something, something that I've never felt for a human before. At first, I thought humans were only chaotic and unsympathetic, flawed little abortions, but I was wrong. Each and every one of you is different, each has it's own problem. But, what I have found, you have love for one another, something I never got to experience before... Then I met you.

You had a spark about you, and I was instantly attached. (Y/n), you've changed my perspective of the human race''

You stared at him for several moments, confused as all hell, but forgetting about your worries, your fears, your scars. 


''I love you, (Y/n), and I don't want to see you hurting yourself because of what people say about you. Please, hurting yourself won't make it better, it may feel good, but trust me, it doesn't help.''

Suddenly, you felt no more pain in your wrists, and looked down to see the cuts and scars healed, Lucifer's icy blue orbs staring up at you with a hopeful glint in them. You felt no more physical pain, you felt no more mental pain, it was all just gone. A warm, delightful, fuzzy feeling washed over you.

''I'm not a human, (Y/n), I never knew what love was, but now, thanks to you, I know.''

Not human? What is he talking about? Wait-

''A-are you?''


Um.... Well, uh, yeah.... Hmmm... That was... odd.... To say the least.... Aaand a part two is eventually going to come. Maybe.

I was feeling depressed today, and it got me thinking, 'So many other people suffer from depression, why not make an imagine about Lucifer?' So I made this. I have no experience with cutting and things like that, I'm not normally a sad person, so, this is extremely out of the ordinary for me.

A few of my closest and best friends are currently suffering from depression, so I made this for them, and for anyone who is depressed. I just want to say:

 It get's better, there are people out there who want to help you; there are people who don't want to see you hurt yourself; people who love you, and care for you, even when you think there is no one. There's always someone. 

PM me if you need to talk, I'm here for anyone.

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