That Time of The Month (For those who partake)

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Dean: It seems Dean has gone missing on a hunt for about a week.... Peculiar...

Sam: You're not sure whether or not Sam was a woman in his past life, he seems to know more about how to remove stains and relive cramps better than you do. 

Castiel: Of course, Castiel knows the human body and all, but he still doesn't like the fact that you sometimes, for up to a week or so, either ruin sheets, ruin panties, or bleed through your pants in public. You can't help it! Although, reluctantly, he'll get you ya girleh tings when you need them.

Lucifer: Luci did not know what he signed up for when he met the woman of his dreams... Sure, blood inspires him, but not when it's coming out of your 'ya know whet' once a month. Being a good boyfriend, he'll get you your things.

Garth: As playful as Garth can be, when it comes to Shark Week, he becomes very serious, getting you all your needs, not letting you eat sugary and fatty foods, making sure you drink lots of water, all that fun stuff. It's actually kinda nice, but when you really want those chocolate cake with merichino (is that how you spell it? Ya know, the little delicious cherries that are so bad for you?) cherries and dark chocolate chocolate chips... mmmm... *starts drooling and spacing out* Huh? What were we talking about? Oh yeah, Garth takes real good care of you, I think you get the point.

Benny: Nope, Nope, nopeity nope nope nopeing out is what Benny does for about a week. Yup.

Crowley: Well, your lady business affects Crowley more than it does you. You see, Crowley is more moody, he likes to torture things even more, he has cravings, and generally is a little devil... Not sure how that works, but it does for Crowley...

Adam: Yeah, no, Adam just lets you handle your business, and when you need him, he's there, but other than that, he doesn't want much to do with it. Truth is, he just doesn't like the sight of blood.

Well, (holy crap, I just noticed how much I start my ANs with 'Well'... Well...) I ran out of ideas... Please don't kill me... I really don't know how this stuff works, it's all so confoozing! I don't know how to woman... So, yah... Also, please request stuff, I'm seriously running out of ideas! I try to write a preference or imagine, and I end up deleting it, because writer's block, and then I don't post for like a week and people wonder if I'm dead- Hey, it's just like real life! Hahaha aaaahhhh, I have no friends.. *que sad music, black and white filter zooming in slowly on my face* What am I doing with my life? Needless to say, thanks for reading!

Supernatural Preferences and Imagines {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt