Chapter 3:A weird day

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Drew's P.O.V.

I wake up to the smell of bacon being cooked. I pull the covers off of me, and go to my closet get out clothes, and go to the bathroom to take a shower. I step out of the bathroom wearing a dark blue t-shirt, black skinny jeans, gym shoes, and a green jogging jacket.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen, Jasper's setting the table, Drake's pouring orange juice, and Cole's cooking pancakes and bacon. The table is set and Jasper and Drake sit down next to each other, while I sit on the other side.

  Cole is done cooking and sets the food on the plates, then sits down next to me. We all dig in, the bacon is crisp and crunchy, and the pancakes are soft and warm. Once I swallow my food, I say," hey, how about we all go take a walk in and the park?"  The guys nod, and rush to finish up their breakfast.

Once we're done, we clean the table and wash the dishes, then we go out the door and to the park. In the park I see Mom's and Dads playing with their children, some playing baseball and some just laying down on the grass.

While we're walking, I turn my attention to the street and see someone I'd never thought I'd see ever again, Ken's assistant Jane. She's wearing red sweater and blue gym shoes. Her hair is in a bun, and she's wearing her glasses.

She's looking straight at me. In my mind I see the lab, me being in that tube being experimented on, drowning,I can't breathe, I can't breathe! I feel a someone shaking me and my name being called," -rew, Drew!, you ok?" I see that Drake is shaking my shoulder and the guys are all looking at me with worried faces.

I look over their shoulders and Jane's not there at all,I think,did I just imagine her? Maybe I did. The guys are still looking at me worriedly, I force a smile and say," yeah, I'm fine"  and we start to walk again and we're back at Cole's apartment, he makes dinner, rice and chicken.

Jasper pours fruit punch and we all sit down and eat. I turn my head, still eating my chicken and look out the window next to the refrigerator. I choke on my chicken when I see Ken's face staring at me, I escaped!, I escaped!, he can't hurt me anymore, he.can'

I repeat those words to myself in my head, I blink once and he's gone, like he was never there in the first place. We finish eating our dinner, wash the dishes and go to bed. I sit on my bed in my pajamas, not ready to go to sleep yet. I get an idea and say," reveal"  my shoulder blades pop liked I cracked them and I feel the familiar pain, that I'm so used to.

My wings are out and fully opened, they used to be white but now there purple, with streaks of yellow in them. I fall back on my bed and wrap my wings around me like a blanket, the feathers are so soft it's like sleeping on a cloud. In less then a minute I'm asleep, dreaming that I'm flying above the city of bright lights.

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