Chapter 4: Knocked out

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Drake's P.O.V.

Thump, Thunk. My eyes snap open at the sounds, I look at my clock and see it's 4:27am. Cole and Jasper must be getting some water or a midnight snack, I think. I close my eyes and go back to sleep. Bang,Bang, Bang,my eyes snap open and this time I sit up. No way Cole or Jasper made that, Drew couldn't have made that either .

I get out of bed, I make my ice sword appear in my hand as a weapon. I put on jeans and a black t-shirt to hide me in the darkness. I open my door, ice sword in hand, I look down the hall and see that Cole's door is wide open, I look into his room and see that he's not in his bed. I go to Jasper's room and open up his door, he's gone too.

I walk down the hallway and stop infront of Drew's door, afraid of what I might find in there. Thump,crash! I hear another sound that sounds like glass breaking and something hard falling. Even if I open Drew's door I know she's not going to be there, but I open it anyway. The minute I open it, a sword made of fire is inches away from my face.

There's Drew, dressed in a dark blue t-shirt and jeans, sword bracelets on her wrists and a flaming sword in her hands. Her eyes widen when she sees its me, she steps out into the hallway and softly closes her door. I whisper," what are you doing awake!?" she whispers back," I heard a noise downstairs and thought someone was breaking in or kidnapping, I thought Ken was back!, did you hear it too?" I nod and mouth,"let's go" we tiptoe towards the stairs and go down them, swords held infront of us.

Once we reach the bottom we head straight into the kitchen, and we stand still in shock as we look at Jasper and Cole tied up with rope and gagged. They make muffled noises and shake their heads, we stare at them trying to figure out what they're trying to say. Finally Cole gets his gag off and yells" behind you!", we turn around and there's this gray wolf in the kitchen, we hear a growl behind us and there's this cheetah, both the animals are circling us like we're food.

I hear a cruel laugh on the side of me and a voice saying," what a fun game of cat and mouse this is" we turn around and there's Ivan, Ken's own personal bodyguard, he has on a black tank top and black jeans,I notice that his tattoos are gone. I look at the the wolf and the cheetah, then back at him, I say," your tattoos can turn into real animals" it's not a question.

He smiles. Drew asks," so what, Ken's too scared to get his own hands dirty?" The animals lunge, the wolf tackles Drew and the cheetah tackles me.His mouth is so close to my face that I can smell the stank of his breath. I hear the sound of Ivan punching something and see that Cole and Jasper are both unconscious, I hear the same sound again and turn my head to see him punching Drew straight in the face, soon she's also unconscious.

A growl come from my throat as icicles appear out of nowhere and come at him,nobody hurts my sister! I think.He  knocks them into tiny pieces with one punch. He stands over me, his fist cocked back and says," Ken didn't send me, he doesn't even know I'm here" the fist connects with my face and I black out.

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