Chapter 5: Old enemy, New weapon

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Drew's P.O.V
I come to after being knocked out by Ivan. I see that I'm tied up with rope. I look around and see that Cole and Jasper are tied up next to me, apart, Drake's on the other side of me. They're awake and looking at me. Drake asks," hey, did you guys hear what Ivan said?" Me,Cole, and Jasper nod,Cole answers," yeah he said that Ken didn't send him, that he doesn't even know he's here". I nod and say," yeah, but if Ken didn't send him, than who did?" we all look at each other thoughtfully until we hear a voice saying," that's easy, me of course"  and out of the shadows in the back of the ven steps out Jane, Ken's assistant. My mouth drops open in shock, I can see the guy's mouths are opened too. My mouth closes and I manage to speak," you?, what are you doing here?" she smiles a smile that would make Cruella devil proud. She says," well, we never did get a chance to test out your powers, and I have a new invention that would be just right for the job"  I look at her, than at the boys, and say," what about Cole, he doesn't have any powers"  She looks at Cole and says," no, he doesn't, but he's smart enough to make inventions, powerful inventions, and weapons better than ours, we need his smarts"  she pulls something out of her pocket, it looks like a mini lab, with a computer, a table that's covered with inventions and equipment. She looks at Cole and says," recognize it Cole?, you should it's your lab miniaturized, don't worry, it won't stay like that for every, you just press the red button to make it big, and the blue button to make it small" She walks over to Cole and places it in his jeans front pocket.  I speak," our powers are already tested" she smiles and says," yes, but this time I have you new ones, even Cole might have a power or two, it''ll just take time to surface"  We all stare at Cole, whos gone pale, with fear or amazement I don't know. Suddenly the van stops, Jane takes out a knife and cuts our ropes. We all stand up, Jane opens the van door and steps out, she pauses and turns back to us," oh, before I forget, I injected you with some blackout serum, you'll pass out in any second, and by then my weapon will be already turned on, goodbye" and she steps out, I take one step forward to follow her and immediately fall down, I hear three thuds behind me and realize that the boys have also fallen down, I see spots in my vision, before I black out completely, my thought is, I wonder how bad her new weapon is?.

Full-Fledged Ride two: The day time stood stillजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें