Chapter 20:The showdown

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Drew's P.O.V
She walks towards me and cuts the rope. She backs away the sword in her hand. I ask," for what moment?". She smiles and says," this" she lunges towards me with the sword.I make my fire sword appear in my hand and I block her attack. We sword fight like we're dancing, she stops and says," how 'bout we take this to the sky, reveal" wings as red as blood pop out of back and spread open, they have hints of black in them, she flies towards the sky, her black sword in hand, there's a dark inky aura around the sword and the wings. She hollars," what's the matter!?, scared you're gonna lose!?". I say," reveal" my purple wings pop out of my shoulder blades and spread open, my fire sword has a red aura around it. I take to the sky, and hover a few feet away from Kala. I think, the training I did with the guys better pay off .  She charges towards me with her sword, I block it. I fly a few feet away from her, open my mouth and let out my sonic scream. It sends Kala flying backwards. " Drew!!!" I hear my name being called. I look over to big Ben and see the guys tied up on the minute hand. I shout," you guys ok!?" Drake shouts," We're fine!, do us a favor and beat her ass up Drew!!!" I nod my head and say," gladly". Kala laughs and says," I'd like to see you try" her red eye glows bright and a red laser shoots out of it. I fly left and it misses me by inches. So,she can shoot lazers out one eye? I think. I fly towards her and kick her straight in the stomach, she groans and clutches it. She recovers from the punch and she glares at me. I take this time and try to talk to her," Kala, listen to me, Jane has turned you against me!, if you know what she done to me, Jasper and Drake, you wouldn't be helping her!" I shout at her. She growls and says," you left me, for them" she glares at the boys. She says," what makes them so important to you!!" she spins kicks me towards the clock and I slam into it next to the guys. Jasper turns his head towards me and shouts," you ok!?" I nod my head. I push off away from the clock and fly toward Kala. I swing my sword towards her face and she blocks my attack, and gives one of her own. She blows and out of her mouth comes a small gray tornado. It gets bigger and changes into a real large tornado. It sucks me up and I'm whirling around in it. " whoa, whoa, whoa!!". I try to find a balance and soon I'm standing..well...hovering in it. Kala bursts into the tornado. I start talking," Jaspers important to me because he went through the same things that I went through!" Kala let's out an angry scream and flys towards me.She brings her sword down on mine, I block it. " Drake's important to me because he's my clone, no, he's my brother!"  I hit her sword
and we fight. I'm still talking," And Cole's important to me because he took us in even when he didn't know us!!" I swing my sword and a large fireball is heading towards her. She dodges it.She says," you still left me!" she drops her sword and comes at me with her fists, swinging. I drop mine too and start to fist fight her. " I didn't leave you,I was kidnapped! By Jane's boss!"  I see her punch coming and block it. I punch her in the face and she flies back. She says," Ken made you better! Jane made you better. Without them you wouldn't have your powers!" She crash-lands into me and we go out of the tornado, we crash land on the bridge, with her on top of me and me almost over the edge. I still try to talk some sense into into her," I admit, the powers Ken have me are awesome, the weapons even better, but that didn't give him the right to kidnap me! after I left he sent an assassin after me! He and Jane are evil!, I'm your soul sister. After I escaped, I, I just forgot about my past for second!" Oops, probably shouldn't have said that. Her clock eyes darken and she says," let's see if people forget about you once you're actually dead!". She tries to shove me over the edge, but I bang my head on hers. She gets off of me and goes over the edge of the bridge. I grab her hand,she tightens her grip on mine and holds on tight. She looks up at me and says," help me!, please Drew, pull me up!" I look at her and start to pull her up. Her clock chest is in my face. I open it up, inside is her star heart. I grab it and with my fire power, I melt the star. " No, stop!, you can't do this!" I look straight into her eyes and say," I think I can" and with those words I let go of her hand. She falls off the bridge and crashes into the water. I get up off the ground and fly to the clock tower. I release the guys from the rope,Drake releases his wings and I grab Cole. Jasper releases his own wings which I didn't even know he had. His wings are golden. Cole says," ah, who turned on the sun?" we laugh. The gems that we found float out of my pocket, they swirl around each other in a color of light, they stop and they've turned into necklaces, they're the shape of diamonds, they're red, blue and green. There's four necklaces, somehow I know they're for us. We all grab one and put them on. They glint in the sunlight. Cole says," ok, awesome, but I think I've had enough of this, let's go home" we fly towards Cole apartment.  All the while I'm thinking, I've been good, bad, sneaky, tortured. But above all I've been me, just plain me.

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