Chapter13: The sphinx

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Drew's P.O.V.
Once the Jane hologram disappeared, the boys and I sit down on the sand and talk. I say," ok, we're in ancient Egypt right?" the guys all nod, I go on,"  then it's greatest prize is the sphinx, but where on the sphinx is the ruby?" Drake looks confused and says," how do you know it's a ruby?" I answer," Because one of the gem is a ruby, I remembered it.". The guys look confused, Cole asks," remembered it from where?"  Oh crap, I forgot they don't know, I should tell them, but not right now I think. " I remembered it from, Ken" Jasper's face turns white, so do Cole's and Drake's, they knew whenever I brought up Ken, it was never good, I decided to change the subject. " look, let's just forget it, ok, we have to find the ruby" the guys nod, I look past the pyramids and the sphinx, man, I wish I could get a closer look, wait! I can!. Before the boys can protest my idea, I say," reveal" I hear my shoulder blades pop and crackle, I've opened up my wings so many times, that I can barely feel the pain. They come out of my shoulders and I open them up fully, before the boys can say anything, I flap up into the air and fly towards the sphinx. I land on it's head. " hidden" I say, and my wings fold back into my shoulder blades. I use my fire power and both my hands to make a rope.I make my fire sword and put it face down in the sphinx's head, kind of like how you would pull a sword out of a rock. I tie my fire rope around the handle good and tight, I let it drop down and it passes by the chin and stops at its shoulder. I place my feet against the head good and tight, I pull on the rope and see that it's tied good and tight when I pull on it.Good. That means it's tight enough to hold my body weight, I think.I tie it around my waist. Slowly, just like I did climbing down on the side of the CEO building, I make my way to the sphinx's eyes. I'm infront of the left one, the one that has the eye, with nowhere to put my feet, I'm left dangling in the air. I let go of the rope, holding onto it with my left hand, I start swinging back and forth to get closer to the eye. I reach out with my right hand and try to grab the eye, I miss it just by an inch. I swing back towards it, my arm outstretched as long as I can get it. I grab the eye and pull it as hard as I can, it comes free from the sphinx. I hold it in my palm. Snap! I look up, the rope is about to break, I look for a place to put my feet but there is none. Snap! Snap!  the whole thing comes lose from my sword and I start to fall. I can release my wings because the rope is tied around my waist and it's blocking them. Well, I'm gonna land in sand right? I think. I close my eyes. I feel arms around me, and the sound of wings flapping. It can't be me because my wings can't open. I open my eyes to get a look at my savior, it's Drake, he's cradling me in his arms while he's flying. We land next to the river bank, he places me on my feet. He says," hidden" and his wings fold back into his shoulder blades. I open my palm and show them the ruby. My blue bracelet glows and the Jane hologram appears. She starts talking," ah, I see that you have found the second gem, I hope you are ready for the final quest" a blue light surrounds us and we vanish from Ancient Egypt.

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