Chapter 19: Our original timeline

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Drew's P.O.V.
Crap, I didn't think about that I think. I say," I don't know, maybe she'll beam us back, until then lets take a nap" the guys nod and we all lay down on the cave floor and go to sleep. Dream: I'm in a room and I'm surrounded by a long wall of mirrors, except it's not my face that's looking back at me. It's Kala's. Her red t-shirt is torn, her jeans are torn also. Blood is seeping out from her jeans and her shirt. Her eyes are the color of her clock eyes.Red and Black. She's crying. Tears are streaming down her face, except their not their normal color. They're black. She's crying black tears. It's like something out of a bad horror movie. She says," why Drew? you killed me, you left me lonely and friendliness, why?, why!!". When she shouts why, the whole place shakes, and the mirrors crack, I hear one above me and look up to see glass shards fall down towards me. I start to run down the hall, each mirror cracking, breaking, and falling towards me as I run. I can hear Kala's heartbroken sobs,she sounds so lost and broken. Suddenly I'm not running anymore,I'm falling, falling, falling, Kala's face is at the bottom, she's still crying. Her mouth is wide open, I'm falling towards it. No, No No," No!" I wake up screaming the word. I see that I'm on a bridge, tied to an arm, cars are above me hanging in midair. I look up and down the bridge, but I don't see Drake, Cole, or Jasper anywhere.I look infront of me, and see someone standing with their back towards me.  The person is wearing a red-t shirt, black pants and a leather jacket. I look down at myself and see I'm wearing a blue t-shirt, black jeans, and a leather jacket, my sword bracelets are on my wrists. I look up back at the person, the person turns around and I see it's Kala. She has a sword in one hand and she's wearing this sickly sweet smile on her face. Her red eye is glowing bright. She says," you have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment".

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