Chapter 16: The Cave

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Drew's P.O.V
I open my eyes and see that I'm looking up at a rock ceiling. I cough and out my mouth comes water. I sit up and cough it all out. I feel a hand on my back, rubbing it. My vision is all blurry, I hear a voice shouting," -rew!, Drew, breath, Drew breath" that's Cole's voice. With one final cough, my lungs clear as does my vision. The guys are all infront of me, looking worried. They sit on the floor in a circle. I start talking," what happened?, where are we?" Drake answers," we're in a cave, after you went underwater,Jasper froze every part of the river except for the part where you went under, we started walking across to your hole, and Cole jumped in and pulled you on the ice, then we saw a cave and walked towards it, and here we are" I nod and say," so, we have all three gems, what do we do now?" the guys all shrug. Drake says," we should make a fire, Drew, would you do the honors?" I nod and take a deep breath, the guys all move back as I blow, out my mouth comes out fire and it lands on the floor, blazing hot. The boys scoot back up and place their hands close to the fire. Suddenly my vision goes white, instantly I know what's going to happen. So another memory, huh?, maybe I'll get some answers. And with that thought, I let my eyes see the memory.

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