Red Heels

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       New York City, the city that truly never sleeps. During the day everyone is in business suits, and at night everyone is out at the clubs. Nothing screams excitement like your first day at your new job. Let alone, have it be at a huge corporation. First things first, my outfit. I decided to put on a black jumpsuit with deep red four inch heels. I didn't have money laying around or anything, in fact, I lived on a budget day in and day out. Seriously, you should see my sketchy apartment that sits on the third floor of 10th Ave. I saved a lot for this outfit because I couldn't start my new job looking like a slob. It costs more than the rest of my wardrobe.

"You look hot!" Ashley shrieked eyeing me up and down. She tends to be over the top sometimes, but hey she's been my best friend since I moved to the city three years ago.

"It's not too much, yeah?" I ask her worriedly. Not wanting to overdo it for my first day on the job.

"Are you kidding? you look so good. I'd turn for you." She says while continuing to eye me up and down.

"Ashley." I chuckle a little embarrassed and roll my eyes. I was never really good at taking compliments.

"Come on now. You don't want to be late on your first day." She hurried me to the front door of my apartment.

"Okay okay, I'm going. Stop rushing me." I fix my one heel and try to keep my balance as she's hurrying me.

I don't have a car, so I took the subway as my transportation for today. My apartment and the corporation are both in downtown New York, but the walking distance would take me twice as long. Sometimes I get around by taking a cab too, but that costs money. I have to save where I can. As I walk up to the building I see that it says Carter corporation in big bold letters on the front of the building. The building is filled with glass windows about twelve floors high and has a revolving door in the front.

I still haven't met my boss yet. I was interviewed by one of his co-workers. I got the position of being his personal assistant. Ask me how I landed that job? I have no idea. It's not like I have any personal experience. I also don't know what he is going to have me doing.

I did decide to look him up on google before I applied for the job though. Stalking at its finest. I think every girl can agree that we are all very talented at creeping when needed. My boss is very attractive. Actually, that is an understatement. He is the hottest bachelor in New York. I think he is a bachelor at least? I stopped searching after a certain point because I was getting tired. I try to walk into the building with confidence. 

"Hi, today is my first day working here. I'm Mr. Carter's new personal assistant. I was wondering if you could guide me on where I need to go?" I ask the gorgeous blonde sitting behind the counter.

She looks up at me with an annoyed expression, "Floor 12."

"Thank you?" Came out more as question than an answer.

I walk away and take her advice. I ride the elevator to the twelfth floor. Thank god the elevator isn't packed because I look like a lost puppy who can't find her owner. The elevator dings and I walk out of it once I reach the correct floor. I walk towards another desk that is right in front of me. Hopefully this girl won't have as big of an attitude as blondie did.

"Hi, today is my first day..." I trailed off.

She looks up at me with a smile, "Ah yes, Mr. Carter's new personal assistant. Follow me."

She stands up and summons me by using her pointer finger to wave me over. "Thanks." I murmured.

What is with these girls? Why are they all so beautiful. This girl didn't have blonde hair, but she has the most beautiful chocolate brown hair that girls would die for. Pretty sure I look like a piece of fresh meat to all of them. At least this girl is nicer. I should probably learn her name now that I think about it.

"This is your office. You can decorate it however you like. You will meet Mr. Carter soon. You pretty much just do whatever he says and stay out of trouble, got it?" She starred at me sternly.

"Uh, yup I think so. I'm Kylie by the way." I reached out my hand.

She looks at my hand for a second and then decides to shake it, "I'm Mila."

"Nice to meet you. Thanks again for helping me." I smile.

"No problem. You have any questions, come ask me alright?" She smiles back.

"Sounds good Mila."

"Oh, and Kylie...." She faces me again in my doorway.

"Yes?" I ask curiously.

"Don't get in the way of the other girls here. They will make your life hell if you do." She says in a serious tone and walks out.

What the hell was that about? I'm just trying to do my job and keep my head low. I don't want any trouble for any reason. I really need this job.

It's been about an hour since I have been here. I plopped a seat in my desk chair and played with a rubber band that I found on the floor. My door was closed, so I decided to sling shot the rubber band to see if I can hit the eye hole. I closed one eye and pulled the rubber band towards me. Then all of a sudden the door opened.

A very beautiful man flung open my door and stood in the doorway. He somehow caught the rubber band in his hand and just stared at me with no expression on his face. "You're that bored already?"

"Uh, uhm, uh...." Come on Kylie form a coherent sentence already. "Sorry." I could feel myself blush slightly.

He walked over to me and set the rubber band nicely down on my desk while never losing eye contact with me. I followed his every movement. He slapped down a huge stack of papers on my desk. "The cabinets to my right, those are where you will file things. The coffee room is down the hall on the left. I have a couple of rules. Number one, don't ever be late to work. Number two, no talking unless you're spoken to. Number three, no talking back. Number four, you will attend meetings with me when I need you there. Oh, and number five, don't start trouble of any sort. Got it? Good."

He then turned around and walked straight out of my office while shutting my door again, "Woah" Is all I could say. I just sat in my chair wide eyed at what just happened. He was intense that's for sure. What the hell did I get myself into. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad
as I thought it would be. I just have to remember..... I need the money.

Hey guys!!! I would love if you voted and commented on my new story! It would mean the world to me :) above picture is Kylie's room!

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