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I looked down at all of the papers that Mr. Carter wanted me to file away. The problem is, I have no idea how he wants it done. If I am going to do it, than I am going to do it right. I don't want to annoy him on my first day, so I thought to ask Mila. She seemed nice enough and she did say come to her when I have questions.

"Hey again Mila."

"Hi Kylie." She seemed distracted. "What can I do for you?"

"So, Mr. Carter wants me to file a huge stack of papers, but I don't exactly know how he wants it done?" I say shyly.

"Hm.. Not sure love. You should go ask him." She continues to be busy on her computer.

"That is what I was trying to avoid. He seems...intense." I say uncomfortably.

"Listen. I can't help you with this. I get that your new and it's all scary right now, but you are his personal assistant. You're going to have to talk to him and find a common ground. I know he seems intense, but he's not that bad of a guy. Just don't get on his bad side okay?"

I grunted, "fine. Thanks anyway."

She just nodded her head.

I walk towards his office, which is on the opposite side of the floor from mine. I'm not sure if I should knock or not? Maybe I should just in case.

"Come in." He mumbles.

I peak into his huge office in awe. I start to walk in until I notice the blonde from downstairs is in the chair in front of his desk. She turns and gives me an unnecessary dirty look.

"Oh sorry. I'll come back later." I apologized and started walking out again.

"No, no wait. She was just leaving."

"Oh okay." I say awkwardly.

She gets up and walks passed me, while making sure to hit my shoulder with hers enough to make me lose my balance a little bit. Bitch. Seriously what is this chicks problem.

"What did you need?" He asks sternly.

"The papers you put on my desk. I don't know how you want them filed." I said with a surprising amount of confidence.

"However you like. Just make it is a good system." He talks down to me like I'm dumb. Ass.

"Right. However I want. Okay bye then Mr. Carter." I waved awkwardly.

"Wait." He demanded. "What's your name?"

"Kylie." I said with a shake in my voice. I don't know why he intimidates me so much.

"Kylie what?" He presses.

"Kylie James."

"Alright Kylie James." My name sounded so beautiful rolling off of his tongue. "You can call me Aiden in private. In the presence of other people you call me Mr. Carter."

"Okay Mr. Carter." I smiled slightly. "Or I mean Aiden." My smile grew. He had such a beautiful name.

"Off you go now." He waves me off.

"Right. Bye." I quickly turned around and headed back to my office.

I looked at the gigantic stack of papers on my desk and started to file them in the cabinet. I found a nice system that works. Even though he still terrified me, he was pretty nice. I mean I don't really know what I was scared of. Maybe he wasn't really that bad.


I was still working on filing the papers when I noticed a presence in my doorway.

"Kylie go home. It's 8:00 pm. Everyone else left for the day a long time ago." He said in an angry tone. Much different to how he acted towards me earlier in the day. He went from intense to angry.

"I know, I just have a lot to do still." I pleaded.

"How do you have those filed?" He demanded.

"Well, I'm putting everything in alphabetical order." I stated simply trying to calm him down.

He grabbed a stack of papers out of the cabinet and threw them on the floor causing them to scatter everywhere.

"Hey, what the hell?!" I yelled angrily. I may have a slight temper. I just know how to stand up for myself is all.

"Find a different system." He said with no emotion.

"Another system?! I asked you this morning and you said to do what I wanted." I could picture myself turning red from being angry. How dare he. I have been putting those away for hours now.

"Well I don't like it." He spit out crossing his arms.

"Well I don't particularly like YOU right now." I spat back looking up at him from the hard floor I have been sitting on for hours.

"What did I say about talking back." He said Getting angrier by the minute.

"You didn't have to do what you just did. That was an asshole move." I folded my arms to mock him. Who did this douche thing he is?

He bent down so that he was eye level with me, "start over and clean this mess up. I don't care how long it takes."

"Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot." I leaned closer to him. I could see the rage in his eyes. I could feel the rage in mine too.

"Well then stop acting like one." He leaned even closer to my face.

"You're crazy. You are picking a fight about something so stupid. Why don't you just piss off." I spit out again. I don't care that he is my boss at this very moment. I definitely grow some balls when I'm angry.

"Watch yourself Kylie." He warned me while standing up again.

"Get out. Leave. NOW." I said trying to keep my composure.

He walked out without saying another word. I expected him to fight back, but he didn't. I didn't realize how fast my heart was racing until now. I needed to calm myself down. Well, looks like I'm starting over and will be here all night. At least it's nicer here than my shitty apartment. What the hell was his deal? First of all, I freaking asked him first! Second of all, he came into my office with such a big attitude for no reason. He drives me crazy and it is only the first day. 

Hey guys!!! I would love if you guys commented and voted for my story! I would love to read what you have to say. If you have something negative to say, please either keep it to yourself or say it in a nicer way. No need for any type of bullying :) thanks for reading loves! <3

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