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After taking two long naps, I look to my right again and Aiden is still sleeping. You would think he was the one getting pumped with medication. I felt the need to wake him up because I needed answers.

"A-Aiden." I tried to say but you could barely understand my scratchy voice.

I  attempted to call his name three more times and I got nothing. I took a deep breath and looked around the room. There were plenty of things that I could throw at him, but obviously I wasn't able to move my arms. I had to get creative.

I winced in pain as I used my head and neck to hook and roll my food tray table towards my right hand. Then after many attempts, I used my fingers with as much force as possible to roll the table towards him. I was in hope of hitting him hard enough so that he would wake up. Surprisingly it worked. I mean who would of thought that my dumb idea would actually work?

He jumped at the table hitting him in the side. He looked around the room like he forgot where he was. "What time is it?" He asked rubbing his eyes and yawning.

I swallowed and tried preparing my voice, "4 pm."

His face look very concerned, "I didn't realize I feel asleep for that long. How long have you been up for?"

He obviously didn't get the point that it was hard for me to communicate, "a while." Shorter the sentence, the better.

He walked over to my bed and sat on the corner of it, "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged my shoulders in response. "Why are you here?" I tried asking as polite as possible, but there was no nice way to put it.

He gave me sad puppy eyes, "Tyler called me and said it was urgent. When I arrived as your apartment complex, you were laying on the stairwell." He took a moment and continued. "I just don't understand. What the hell happened?"

Little does he know, I don't know very much either. I took another big gulp before speaking, "The Raven, work friends, drugs, walk home, beat up by men, no one help." I summed it up without straining my voice, but enough for him to understand.

" did drugs? The nurse told me that there was some in your system, but I didn't want to believe it." He looked at me with such disappointment. It was like that fatherly disapproving look.

I squeezed my eyes shut wishing that this was all a nightmare. What was I thinking?  I tried moving my arms again, but they wouldn't budge. I was starting to get frustrated.

He saw me trying to move them and held my hand to comfort me. His hand felt so soft and warm. It sent sparks through my body like electricity.

"Do you know who beat you up? You said men Kylie." His puppy dog eyes were really killing me. You could see a bit of rage in them too. "I'm going to kill whoever did this to you."

I shook my head no. Hopefully he gets the hint that I was trying to answer to both of his points. I took a deep breath, opened my eyes, and felt a warm salty tear drop down my face. "I'm so sorry. So so sorry."

He squeezed my hand, "Don't apologize. I'm not going to leave your side alright?"

"Tyler?" I asked curious. Why wouldn't he be here?

"He said you wouldn't want to see him when you woke up. He is blaming himself for everything. He kept saying that he should have never left you alone." He answered.

Now for the ultimate question, "Why am I pinned down?" Beginning to become frustrated again.

He ran his hand through his hair, "Kylie. You had drugs in your system. They are afraid that you will do something crazy."

I gave him a look of bewilderment, "Crazy? I'm not crazy. It was a one time thing and was a mistake." my voice squeaked.

"I guess the cops want to ask you a few questions and it was their orders." He shrugged.

I shook my head really fast, "Aiden I can't talk to them."

"Kylie, it is no big deal. Just tell them who the dealer is." He squeezed my hand again.

"NO! no I can't. You don't understand. Some people from work were doing it too. If I tell the cops, people will be out to kill me!" I got my point across before having shortness of breath.

"Who from work? Kylie you have to tell them or they could put you in jail." He started to get angry with me.

"But. I. Can't."

"You will dammit! I don't care who gets in trouble." He yelled at me.

I started to cry again, "Even if its Mila?"

He paused because I knew he wouldn't know what to say. They have known each other for a long time, and I know he cares for her like a sister. "Yes Kylie. Even if it was Mila." I was shocked to say the least.

Our conversation ended with a knock on the door, "Kylie James? Police are here to talk to you." My nurse said sweetly.

Aiden and I made serious eye contact before he stood up and walked out of my room without saying another word.

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