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When I opened my eyes the light in the room was so bright. Everything hurt. I kept opening and closing them trying to get adjusted to it. Finally being able to completely open my eyes I looked around the room. There were machines and beeping noises everywhere. I looked down and I had white restraints on my wrists and ankles. Why the hell was I strapped down? I craned my neck slightly to the right and saw the one person I never expected to see. Aiden.


I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey there pretty one. What are you doing walking all alone this time of night." A man spoke.

"Please leave me alone." I spoke barely audible.

"I don't think we can do that baby girl."

"Please. Please don't." I pleaded.

"Aw she's begging for it." They men laughed obnoxiously.

Then it happened. I was given my first blow to the stomach. I fell to the floor instantly trying to clutch my stomach, but one of the men grabbed my arms to pin behind me to stand me back up. Another man yanked my hair back and gave me another blow to the stomach and then one to my face. How many of them were there?

I started to gag on my own blood, "please." I begged barely being able to speak coherently.

"Shut up you little whore." Another guy punched me in the face again.

He held a knife to my neck causing me to stand up straight and tilt my head back. The knife pressing hard against my neck and drawing some blood. I tried my best to take short breaths and not go into a panic attack.

"You worthless piece of shit." A man said before he backhanded me across my face so hard that my neck snapped to the left and I fell onto the hard concrete. Everything was such a blur.

I grabbed the back of my head and huddled into a ball formation rocking back and forth before a guy kicked me in my ribs so hard that I physically heard something crack. I screamed out in my pain and held my stomach.

"See you around baby girl." One of the guys leaned down to whisper in my ear.

I don't know how long I laid there for. When I opened my eyes I just saw blood on the concrete from me coughing it up. I could barely think straight.

Somehow I eventually managed to stand up and limp back towards my apartment while holding my side. I needed some medical supplies. I reached my hand out and touched the cold rusted fence next to me. My hand slid against it guiding me all the way to my apartment. I remember that fence. It meant that I was close.

The apartment lobby was dead this time of night. I went to look in the office to look for help, but no one was in there. So much for someone working the night shift. The elevator in my complex has been broken since I moved in here, so I had no choice but to take the stairs. I slowly started to climb them in pain. I got up the first set, and then the second, but I couldn't take the excruciating  pain anymore. I tripped on a step and face planted into the wall on my right side. I caught myself with my left hand and sat down on the stairwell. I slowly leaned my back against the wall, adjusting myself so there was less pain. There was no way I could make it to my room. My head leaned against the wall shaking back and forth. Why did this have to happen to me.

I heard shouting and there were cold hands against my skin. The voice was quiet and seemed like it was coming from a distance. Almost like an echo.

"Kylie! Kylie can you hear me?" I shaking continued and some of my hair fell in my face. "Kylie!" The voice became louder and forced me to open my eyes.

I can't make out whose talking to me, but they sound concerned. "Kylie can you hear me? I need you to say something."

I tried to answer, but nothing came out audible. "I-I didn't mean to....."

"What? What are you trying to say?" His cold hands touched me again.

"Mm." Is all that I could think of and let out.

"Shit. I can't get you out of here by myself." He reached in my back Jean pocket and grabbed out my phone. I didn't try to stop him. My arms were limply by my sides.

"Phone." Is all I said before my head fell to the side. It felt so heavy.

"I'm calling for help." He assured me. I didn't respond though.

We sat in silence for what seemed like five minutes. I'm still not fully aware. I wonder who he called on my phone. Hopefully 911.

"What the hell?!" I knew that voice. It was deep and husky. I just can't put a face to it. "What happened? Oh god Kylie."

"Come on we have to get her to a hospital. You grab one side and I'll grab the other." One guy with dark brown hair said to the other.

I was lifted by my arms and I yelled out in pain. Everything was so sore. It was like a bunch of needles jamming into my skin.

"I'm so sorry Ky. Just breath." The voice said to me. I now know that this voice belongs to Tyler because no one else calls me Ky. Well, I found him.

"Be careful. We're hurting her." The other voice scolded Tyler.

I began to whimper and mumble, "I-I'm s-sorry Mmmmm."

End flashback:

"Kylie? Kylie James?" A sweet voice interrupted my thoughts. "Can you hear me?"

"Mhm." My voice was scratchy.

"Good. I'm your nurse and you are at st. Martian's hospital. You are going to be okay." She smiled and pushed my hair off of my forehead.

"W-hat happened?" I like to say that I remember everything, but I don't.

"You have two broken ribs, multiple stitches, a sprained ankle, and internal bleeding. You will be okay though Kylie. You will just need time to heel. No surgeries are needed." My nurse said.

I just nodded my head stating that I understood. I tried to move my arms, but they were still pinned down. Instead I looked to my right and watched a peaceful looking Aiden sleeping and looking exhausted. What was he doing here?

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