The Raven

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I knew I shouldn't have told her.

Ashley is prancing around my apartment singing "I knew it you guys liked each other!"

"Stop." I laid back on my bed annoyed.

When she finally stopped jumping around like an idiot she joined me back on my bed, "so do you think it will ever happen again? I mean it has to right?"

"Not sure. Probably not though. I mean he said it can't ever happen again." I shrugged my shoulders.

"HA see there that's the trick. He's says it can't, not that it won't." She says confidently. I swear she thinks that she is the love doctor.

"Not sure. All I know is that kiss was everything. I felt like I was on a roller coaster with the way my mind and heart were racing." I put my hand on my heart wanting that feeling back again. I felt....alive.

"You're going to make me tear up you little shit." She began to fake cry. "I'm just so proud."

"You need help. Professional help." I sat up and looked at her in the eye.

"Well I have to head to the bar. Have fun at work." She waved bye on the way out of my apartment.


The next two weeks of work have been pretty hectic. The bar has been super busy like usual and Mr. Holt has been on edge because I guess it's the busiest time of year at the office. We haven't spoken too much and the kiss was never brought up again.

I hear someone barge through my apartment door.

"Neighbor!" Someone calls out.

I wait until I can get a full view until I see that it is Tyler. I put the bat down that I grabbed. Don't judge me. You have to be cautious where I'm living.

"Please just walk in." I sarcastically said. I swear I locked my door.

"You need your lock fixed babe." He said sitting on my kitchen counter. Ah that makes sense then.

"Sit on my counter where I make my food with apparently a side of your ass now." I hit him in the arm.

He rubbed his arm up and down, "ouch! You're so damn abusive. Are you sure you're a girl?"

"My birth certificate says so." I smiled.

Tyler and I caught up since we haven't seen each other since the bar. I hit him about five more times for having sex with Aiden's friend so loudly.

"So there is this party." He waited to hear my response. I'm not really big into parties.

"Mhmm." I gestured him to continue.

"It's at The Raven. There will be a ton of people and it's pretty cool." He said nonchalantly.

"The Raven? Kind of sketchy eh?" I said unsure.

"I mean yeah? But everyone goes. Even the rich folk will be there. I know that girl I banged will be." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Let me give you the run down of The Raven. I have never been, but I was told that there is strippers, a room full of drugs, sex area, and then just a normal bar area. It's a sketchy place in our part of downtown that everyone from all over New York goes to. I have never found a reason to actually go to that.

"Please please please it'll be so fun. I promise nothing bad will happen." He pouted his lip at me.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

He fist bumped in the air, "yes! That was way easier than I thought it would be. I had a whole speech planned."

That caused me to giggle. Tyler was such a dork sometimes. Well, majority of the time.

"Okay I'm going. Now get your butt off my counter and leave." I pointed to the door.

"Ay ay captain." He saluted me and went on his way.

Only one day left of work this week. Friday's are the best day of the week in my opinion. I put on a red blazer and red dress pants for work today. I was running out of decent clothes to wear. I somehow talked Tyler into doing my laundry for me while I was gone at work today.

"Hey Mila." I smiled and rested my elbows on here desk.

"Hey love. So happy it's Friday." She did a little happy dance.

"Ahh me too! I have a question."

"Shoot." She looked so interested.

"Have you ever been to The Raven?" I asked unsure.

"Yes I have been. A lot of us here go." She nodded her head in excitement.

"My friend asked me to go tonight and I'm not sure how I feel about it." I bit my lip.

"Well... It's different that's for sure. You just have to be open minded. What are the odds though?!  A bunch of us are going tonight!" She clapped her hands together. "We can hang out and I can show you around."

"Really?" That helped my mood towards it a lot. "Thank god."

"What about The Raven?" Mr. Carter walked up in the middle of our conversation.

"Kylie and her friend are going to The Raven tonight and are going to meet us there." Mila told him.

"Really? Hm.." He looked at me suspiciously.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I wondered.

"Oh nothing. It's just that you don't seem like the type of person to go there. You do know what it is right?" He confronted me.

"Yes I know what it is." I rolled my eyes.

Mila chuckled, "we are going to have so much fun you guys."

"We will see about that." Is all he said before he walked away. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Finally the work day is over and it was time to get ready for tonight. I had no idea what to wear, so Ashley brought me over some outfits. I love that we pretty much wear the same size. I decided on my adidas superstars, black skinny jeans with rips in them, a tank top and an olive green bomber jacket. Good enough I figured. This wasn't a place wear you would want to wear heels and a dress. It'll be weird seeing the others dressed like I am. I only ever see them in professional clothing. I wonder what Aiden will be wearing. No! I seriously have to stop thinking that way. He is MY BOSS.

What do you guys think is going to happen at The Raven?!? ;)

Please comment/vote. I love to hear what you guys think! Now the story is in full take off in my opinion. It only gets better from here :)

Love y'all!

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