All nighters

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I check my phone and its now 7:30am. Everyone else should be coming in soon. We usually start the day at 8:00am. The good news is that I'm almost half way done with filing. Yes, that was sarcasm. Everything that I am filing has to due with accounting and important signed documents within the corporation. There are a lot of people invested in this company. Holt Corporation owns a chain of hotels throughout the world. The types of people that stay in his hotels are celebrities and wealthy families. Some people even live in the hotels. Since he is located throughout the world, many of the people I now work with are from different countries. . Aiden Holt started his business when he was 22 years old. He is now 27 years old and is very successful.

I hear a light knock on my door, "Hey Kylie. You are here early?"

I looked up and smiled, "Hey Mila, yeah I haven't left."

She looked at me wide-eyed, "What do you mean you haven't left?"

"I mean I haven't left. Between you and me?" I glared at her.

She closed my door slightly so no one else would hear, "Shoot."

"Mr. Carter and I kind of got into it last night and I had to start filing all over. He said I couldn't leave until it was done."

"Wow. What a dick." She said with a surprised tone.

I gave a light chuckle, "Yeah, I don't know what his problem was, but I hope he is better today."

"Well good luck I suppose. Just track me down if you need me." She smiled on her way out the door.

I gave out a loud sigh. This sucks.

I continued my day filing papers. I wasn't disturbed once by Mr. Carter, which was surprising. I was expecting another fight, but he hasn't acknowledged me all day. I skipped lunch to keep on filing, even though Mari begged me to eat with her. Now that I think about it, I haven't ate a decent meal in a long time. There should be a law against having to put away this many stacks of papers. Believe it or not, Mr. Holt was on my mind all day. I couldn't get him out of my head, and it wasn't because of his looks. I wanted to know why he was so angry. I can take him being hard on me, but I saw the anger in his eyes. It was now 8:00pm again. Mila said goodbye and left at 5:00pm, just like everyone else. Looks like I would be spending another night here.

I don't remember when, but I opened my eyes and I was lying on the floor. Oh, and Mr. Carter was sitting in a chair in front of me while sitting on his phone. Please god, don't let there be drool. He has on a gray suit and navy blue tie. His leg was crossed over the other while starring at his phone intently. I must of fell asleep at some point. Was he being a creep or being nice enough to let me get some rest. Surely he knows that I have been here. I reached over and checked my phone. The time was 6:00am. He must of noticed me checking my phone because he moved his eyes from is phone to me.

"Morning Kylie." He said politely.

I sat up and looked around the room. I noticed that I only had ten more sheets of paper to file away. I haven't been this excited in a long time.

"Kylie?" He tried to get my attention.

I ignored him and scooted closer to the cabinet to finish these damn papers off.

"Are you ignoring me?" He questioned with a hint of amusement in his voice.

I had to force myself to not make eye contact with him.

"Are you mad at me?" He then asked concerned.

Once I slipped the last paper in, I turned to make eye contact with him.

"Are you going to talk to me now?" He asked again.

I took a deep breath and whispered, "I don't want to talk to you."

"I'm your boss. You have to talk to me." He pointed out.

"I know. That doesn't mean I want to though." I calmly answered.

He leaned back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair, "You've been here two nights in a row."

"And?" I questioned.

"Why?" He asked.

"You kidding me right?" I started to chuckle when he didn't respond. "You scattered all my hard work and told me not to leave until it was re-done. Do you seriously not remember?!?" I was starting to raise my voice now. I was tired and hungry, which is not a good combination for me.

He honestly looked confused. "I-I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?! That's all you have to say?" I raised my voice again. Wait, did he just apologize to me?

"Yes." He looked down at his lap, looking defeated. He looked Vulnerable.

I let out a big sigh again, "Why did you do it? Were you seriously that mad about it?"


"No what?" I demanded.

"It wasn't the filing that bothered me." He admitted.

Ah, finally getting some answers, "Then why?"

He let out a sigh too and looked up at me, "I was having a bad day and took it out on you." You could see the hurt in his beautiful brown eyes again. I don't think I have ever seen brown eyes twinkle like that before. It was mesmerizing.

"Can I ask what happened?" I asked being the nosy person I am.

He glared at me and then his eyes softened, "Do I have to?"

I could either play this out two different ways. I could demand him to tell me or let him get away with how he treated me. Eh, I am going to demand him. "Yes." I said sternly.

"Between you and I?" When he said that, it reminded me of when I said that to Mila.

"Of course." I nodded.

"There is this little girl. Her name is Brooklyn and she's six years old. She has Leukemia and she's dying. Starting yesterday she stopped responding to chemo." He looked like he has tears forming in his eyes.

"How do you know her?" I asked. How insensitive can I be?

"I met her when I was stuck in the hospital for six weeks with a broken rib and leg. I would always run into her. I promised her that I would visit. She became like a little sister to me"

I stood there for a moment not knowing what to say. I wasn't going to say I'm sorry because let's be honest, that line means nothing. "She is a lucky girl to have your support. I wish there was something that I could do."

He just nodded his head, "Yeah she is very special to me."

I didn't want to push it, but I did anyway. "I would love to meet her one day. She obviously means a lot to you."

He looked at me like he just won the lottery, "You would really come with me to see her?"

I smiled, "Sure. I would love to meet her." I'm surprised that he was happy that I said I would meet her. I didn't even really think it through. Sometimes I speak before thinking if it is acceptable to say.

"Okay." I think I saw a slight smile form on his lips.

"Oh and Mr. Carter? I forgive you."

That's all it took. Now I know that I made him smile. He had one dimple on his right cheek and it was the cutest thing ever.

"Thank you Kylie." He said as he walked out of my office.

If you're good at covers/trailers please let me know :)


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