Street Light

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I found myself standing quietly under a dim street light with not a soul in sight. I close my eyes and brace myself for what I am about to encounter. Just like every night, my dad gets drunk off his ass and my mom yells profanities through out the house. I pick up my bag from the cement beneath my feet and push myself away from the lamp post to head inside. I slowly turn the door handle in hope that my parents don't here me come in.

"Dammit Ryan! get your fucking life together!" My mom throws a book at my dad.

The book hits my dad square in the chest and he reacts quickly. He lounges forward and grabs my mom by her arms, so that she is unable to move. "Ryan stop! Kylie is home." She lowered her voice.

His eyes were blazing when looking between my mother and I. I slowly slid my bag down my arm until it hit the floor in a swift motion. One thing I couldn't stand is when my mother was in pain. She was always too stupid to walk away and start a new life. She felt as if she owed him something for some reason that I am unaware of.

He squeezed her arms tighter which caused red marks before pushing her to the ground. I watched as it happened and never moved myself from my fathers gaze.

"Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is?!" His voice loud enough for the neighbors to here.

"I was out." I simply stated. "I needed some fresh air."

He scoffed, "you're only 19! You do as I say Kylie Nicole James."

I looked down and saw my mother rubbing her arms with a frown on her face. I built up the courage to speak up, "Don't you dare ever touch my mother like that again you delusional prick."

He stepped forward in front of me, so that he towered me. "What the hell did you just say to me?"

"Leave my mother alone." I said through gritted teeth. I didn't back down.

He got so close to me that I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I shoved him as hard as I could to make him stumble backwards. This pissed him off even more. He started to run after me into the kitchen. I was cornered and had no where to go, so I grabbed the closest thing to me to protect myself.

A knife.

I held it up for self defense. He threw everything and anything imaginable at me in his reach. When dodging a vase I ducked down quickly, and the knife slipped out of my right hand. It slid across the floor, so I tried crawling to grab it. Panting from exhausting while crawling, just as I reached for the knife, he slams his foot onto my hand. I scream out in pain while he puts his full 220 pound body weight on me. While crushing my hand, he bends down and grabs the knife.

He chuckles as his foot releases my hand and bends down to his knees. He puts the knife up to my neck swiftly and presses it against me. My eyes go wide and I have no choice but to end up on my back on the hard floor. He smiles down at me, "You are very stupid Kylie. I am sick of your shit and your attitude. My house, my rules."

I grunt, "Fuck you."

His smile grows on his face. I build up as much energy as I can and try to fight him off of me. His size obviously over powered me. In the mix of us fighting, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

The next thing I know, the knife clinks against the flooring. I react quickly and run for the front door. I reach down and grab my bag along the way. I open the front door in a quick motion and keep running until I couldn't run anymore. I stopped at a subway station, which was six blocks away. I walk up the the booth and ask for a one way ticket to New York City. Why New York City? I have no idea. I just needed to get out of here, and fast.

First the pain in my stomach, the blood, then New York City. In between is sort of a blur.


I sat down on my bedroom floor and held my side as salty tears flowed down my face. My shirt becoming soaked after a couple of minutes. Aiden walked out like I was in the wrong. What the hell is going on with me? I cared more about him shoving me aside, than my own father trying to kill me while he was drunk.

Yes, I left my mother. I don't for a second regret it though. It has always been her choice to stay with him, and after that night she has never tried to contact me.

What was Aiden doing to me? I am supposed to be stronger than this. I didn't even try to protect or defend myself in the situation. I just let him do whatever he wanted to. Maybe I am more like my mother than I thought.

I am not weak. I am not weak. I am not weak. 

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