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"Ready to go?" Mr. Carter stood in my doorway.

"Yeah, let's go." I followed him to the elevators. We rode down to the garage and his car beeped. Of course he drove a fucking Porsche.

As soon as we got in his car he let the windows down a little bit and turned on some music. He played a Beatles song.

"You like the Beatles?" I asked curious.

He looked at me and then back at he road ahead of us, "you listen to them?"

I smiled and nodded my head, "I love them. You've got a great taste in music."

"Wow." Is all he said.

"Wow what?" I kept looking at his side profile.

"Just never met someone before that has good taste in music." He smiled.

I smiled back and joked, "Well you know, if it isn't rapping about sex then it doesn't qualify as music."

He chuckled and shook his head, all while keeping his eyes on the road. He didn't respond though. I think I did my job in lightening the mood. We turned into Spectrum hospital and found a parking spot. I'm surprised he didn't have valet park his precious car. The hospital was only five minutes away from where we worked. I mean, it's New York. They are everywhere.

We started walking down hallways. Making multiple turns left and right. He seemed to really know where he was going since he didn't ask for any help. I followed closely so that I wouldn't get lost. We stopped in front of room 308.

"She might be sleeping. I told her we were coming, but be quiet just in case." He told me.

I nodded my head saying that I understood what he just told me. When we walked in she was resting. She was so beautiful and looked so peaceful. Must be having a good dream, just like I do after I read my books. She must of heard us pull up seats because she moved in her sleep and opened her pretty blue sparkling eyes. They contrasted beautifully with her light brown skin and brown curly hair.

"Aiden." She smiled in her still sleepy state.

"Hi babygirl." He placed he hand on her head and smiled. He was sitting closest to her.

"You came." she smiled again.

"Of course. I told you last night that I would. Oh, Brooklyn this is my.... Friend here. Her name is Kylie." He hesitated before he called me his friend. Pretty sure he just said that because he didn't want to confuse Brooklyn.

"Hi." I smile and waved.

"Hi I'm Brooklyn." She whispered.

"Tired babe?" Aiden asked her while continuing to play with her curly hair.

"A little." She shrugged her shoulders. "Mrs. Nurse said that I could maybe play with the others tomorrow." She said cheerfully in her cute little kid voice.

"That's great news." Aiden excitedly said.

All I could do is smile while watching their sweet interaction. Who knew Aiden was such a softie?! I'm sure many people don't see this side of him. This little girl really does mean the world to him.

"Say Aiden you'd get me some pudding wouldn't you?" She used her pretty blue puppy dog eyes and batted her eyelashes. Oh this girl was good.

"You know I can't say no to you." He got up to go find the nurse.

"So Kylie right?" She asked me. It's almost like she wanted to get us alone. Smart girl tricking Aiden like that.

"Yes, I'm Kylie." I said happily.

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