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"So what do you want to do this weekend?" Ashley chewed loudly on the laffy taffy she was eating while digging through my drawers.

I thought about it for a moment, "Sleep?"

She stopped what she was doing and gave me an I don't think so glare, "try again."

"Oh I don't know Ash. What would you like to do?" I tried to sound like I actually cared about what she wanted to do.

"I'm glad you asked." She smirked walking over to where I was sitting while reading a magazine. "Let's go apartment shopping."

I looked at her in confusion, "huh?"

"Let's go apartment hunting." She repeated.

"Why the hell would we do that? We both have a place to live."

"Fine. Live by yourself in this crappy apartment." She snapped at me.

I sighed, "Ash you know I want to live with you, but I wouldn't be able to afford my half, so this is where I have to stay."

"I get it." She sighs in defeat.

"So, back to what we are doing this weekend." I brought the question back up.

Her eyes got wide and she had a huge grin on her face. I know that look... She has come up with some dumbass plan.

"What?" I snapped wanting to get this over with.

"I know what we can do." She trailed off.

"Well tell me your genius plan Einstein." I motioned my hand to get her to continue.

"Let's hang out with your new boss." Her eyes lit up.

I looked at her like she was crazy, "WHAT?"

"Yes! Yes! Let's hang out with Aiden and his friends. They seemed cool. I'm sure...."

"No." I said flat out. "Absolutely not."

"Why?" She whined.

"Because you moron."

"That's not an answer." She crossed her arms. She could be such a child sometimes.

"I said no." I repeated.


"Ashley." I warned her.

"WHY the hell not Kylie?!" she began to shout.

I threw my magazine down, "Don't you get it? I'm not you. I wouldn't blend in with those people. I live in the dumps, I don't have money, I don't have nice clothes, and besides he is MY BOSS." I started to shout and then took a breather to calm myself down. "Listen, he's my boss. I know you have some fantasy about me and him, but it will never happen. I am not asking him to hang out and that's final."

You could cut the tension in the silent room with a knife. We just stared at one another without saying a word.

"Okay." She eventually said disapprovingly.

I shook my head, "stop that. Stop feeling sorry for me okay? I'm sorry, but if I don't want to do something then I'm not going to do it. You should know that by now."

She sighed, "I know and I am sorry Kylie. It's just...okay I don't know the guy very well, but I doubt he cares about those things. Then again maybe he does? Who cares! It would be his loss. He would be crazy to not notice you're different from most girls."

"I love you." She wrapped her arms around my neck to hug me.

"I love you too Ashley." I hugged her back.

The weekend went by pretty quick. Ashley agreed to give me some space. I'm not bipolar, but I do tend to get angry. I kept going over what she told me. He is my boss who can date and talk to any girl in the world. I kept repeated that saying in my head because it's true. Besides, I never thought of him in that way until Ashley brought it up. I just need the money. That's all working for him is for.

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER! This chapter is crucial to the story line. I promise you it will get much better than this. It won't just be a depressing story! I didn't want to make this chapter long because I just wanted to get the point across without rambling on at the end about stupid stuff LOL! Pls vote/comment. Love reading what you guys think! <3

Also, I haven't edited any chapter. I'll do that once everything is complete!

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