Movie Night

141 13 6

My hand rested over Aiden's name in my phone. I had this urge to talk to him. I'm still unsure on where we stand right now after our little fight. He is just so frustrating, but I make my decision to text him.

From Kylie to Aiden: Who knew the healing process would hurt worse than the actually incident.

I was quietly laying down on my bed, and set my phone on top of my stomach. It is night time, so I didn't have anything planned to do. The thing with texting him is that I'm not sure if he is going to answer or not. A couple of minutes later, my phone buzzed.

From Aiden to Kylie: You're still taking your medicine right?

I smiled to myself at his response even though he talks down to me sometimes. It is nice to see that he cares a little bit.

From Kylie to Aiden: Yes boss lol. Doesn't feel like it is working though....

I set my phone back down and tapped my fingers against my phone screen waiting for him to respond.

From Aiden to Kylie: You know... I could use my assistant right now. I could use some help with some things I have been working on for the business.

From Kylie to Aiden: I'm sure you do. Can't move without pain.

He replied quicker this time. I wonder if he is enjoying this pointless conversation just as much as I am.

From Aiden to Kylie: I am not doing anything right now.

From Kylie to Aiden: Come over? I am on the third floor, room 300.

From Aiden to Kylie: Already on the way.

Holy shit my boss is coming over. It is nice knowing that I don't have to worry about explaining my living situation since he pretty much already saw how crappy my apartment complex is. I try to sit up, but I am in too much pain. Once I finally give up, I hear a loud knock on my front door.

"It's open!" I shout. Yep, the lock is still broken.

"Kylie?" Aiden shouts back.

Once I hear him inside of my apartment, I guide him by my voice. "I am in my room."

He stands in my doorway with black skinny jeans, a white v-neck shirt, his hair not styled what-so-ever, and has a side smirk on his face. Jesus he is attractive.

"Hey there." He waves.

"Hi." I smile towards him. "You can sit down. Sorry I tried to get up, but I am struggling."

He walks over and sits on my bed next to me. Oh my god, he is in my bed my subconscious reminds me. "You going to be okay?" He has worry in his eyes all of a sudden.

I put on the best fake smile I can come up with and hold my side. "I just keep telling myself that the pain will stop soon."

"Can I see?" He reaches for my hand slowly looking for reassurance.

"Uh... I guess. It is not a pretty sight." I slowly pull my shirt up a little bit, so that he can see the huge black and blue mark on my ribs.

He slowly skims his finger tips over it. He pays attention to the way his hand gently glides along the mark so that he doesn't hurt me. I wince a little bit, but his cold fingers actually feel nice against my warm skin. I close my eyes at the feeling, but before I know it, he pulls away and focuses back on me.

"I hate that they did that to you." He whispered. I'm not completely sure if he wanted me to hear him say that or not.

I slowly pull my shirt back down and ask him if he wants to watch a movie. He agrees, and we settle on watching The Longest Ride after much debate. I won in the end. He took his shoes off and set them against my dresser neatly. You could tell that he was a neat freak. I eventually got up to go brush my teeth and change into shorts and a tank top. It took me longer than expected in the bathroom because I tried to avoid causing myself more pain.

I open the door to my bathroom and hold on to the knob. Aiden has now taken off his shirt and rested his hands behind his head while watching the movie. I had to check to make sure that I wasn't drooling. You can see his abs, v-line, and a little bit of hair sitting on his happy trail. It was such a turn on. Once I regained my focus, I held on to random objects when making my way back to my spot on the bed. I thought my left hand gripped my dresser tightly, but I was wrong. I fell instantly with an "Ah" noise escaping my mouth while holding my side wincing. Aiden quickly rushed over to help me back up. He held me up and didn't let go until I was laying in my spot.

"Thank you." I shyly said. I felt his abs against my back the whole time.

He just nodded in response. We talked about certain scenes of the movie to pass time. Who knew that Aiden had a huge sense of humor. I don't know where he comes up with the shit that he says. I personally just think that he pulls it out of his ass.

"Should I go?" He asks now that the movie has ended.

Once again, I speak before thinking things through. "you don't have to if you don't want to."

"You seem really tired." He states the obvious.

I rub my eyes, "That I am."

"I-I uh can stay until you fall asleep if you want." He suggested.

"I would like that." I smiled and rolled over so that my face was away from his.

The lights were already off, so he just used the remote to turn the T.V off. The room is now pitch black and silent. All you can hear is each of our breathing patterns. Aiden keeps shuffling around and grunting. I am guessing he is trying to get comfortable. He better find a good position fast before he ends up on the floor.

"Aiden, you don't have to sleep in your jeans you know." I informed him thinking that it might be the issue.

"Oh thank god." He gives a sigh of relief and stands up to take them off. He was now just in his boxers.

Once he gets back into bed he snakes his arm around me and pulls himself closer to me. I don't question him once on his actions. His hand starts to move up under my shirt and is placed right on top of my mark. My body instantly relaxes against his soothing touch. The pain disappears like it was never there in the first place.

"Goodnight Aiden." I whispered.

"Goodnight Kylie." He whispered back in my ear causing me to shiver.

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