Coffee Shop

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I look forward to nothing more than the weekend. I get to step back and take a breather from the hectic week that I always have. Instead of moping around my little apartment, I decide to head to the coffee shop for some breakfast. I complete my morning routine and plug my ear buds in while listening to my new favorite song. One thing about walking everywhere, is that you get great exercise everyday. 

I finally reach the coffee shop and my senses go wild as soon as I open the door to let myself in. I order a cappuccino and bagel with cream cheese. I look around for open seating, and find a tiny booth towards the windows. Pulling out my book, I continue reading chapter 20 and take a sip of my delicious coffee.

"Kylie?" I faintly hear a mans voice, but not just any voice. I know this person.

I don't respond and or look up from my interesting book.

The man sits down on the other side of the booth and puts his hand right in the middle of my page. I continue to look down at his hand like it doesn't even faze me.

"Kylie please talk to me." He pleads. God his voice is so memorizing.

I slowly look up at him and take my earbuds out. "You want to know what my book is about?"

He removes his hand from the page, and gives me a confused look. I continue on anyways.

"it's about a guy who has everything a person could want in their life. He has the money, the cars, the girls..." I ramble on. "But you know, he has some horrible characteristics too that many people don't mention."

"Ky...." He breathlessly states.

"He is a human being that doesn't have an ounce of decency in him. He has all the luxuries now, but in reality he is going to end up all alone. Nobody is going to care about him or kiss his feet. Deep down he is just a selfish, manipulative, asshole person who makes people feel like shit. Maybe he should stop thinking about himself for once, and take a hint." I calmly stated.
"Good read huh?"

You can see the pain in his eyes. I don't think anyone has ever been so straight forward with him. " really think that about me?"

"No, I don't think that. I think much worse about you, but I wanted to spare some of your feelings because I am not as cold hearted as you." I didn't remove my gaze from his.

He slowly stood up. "Well..." His voice cracks. "I'm sorry for wasting your time. You can't say you don't feel anything for me though. I know you did. Don't worry it will never happen again."

I put my ear buds back in and looked down at my book, breaking our eye contact. "You mean nothing to me. I barely know you. I just work for you, so that I can afford things." I lowly said.

I didn't get a response. I waited a few seconds before I looked up to see if he were still standing there, but he was no where in site. Apart of me wishes that he was still there. Of course he wouldn't be though after what I had just said. I completely bruised his ego. I refocused back at my book even though I didn't feel proud about what I had said. I am good at pushing people away. It is what I have learned to do best. If you don't attach a connection to a person than they can't hurt you. I am not weak.

I headed back to my apartment and just watched movies and cleaned my house all day. Everyone seemed to be busy this weekend and enjoying the weather. I also finally fixed that stupid front door lock of mine. Now I won't have people walking in whenever they please. Has anyone ever heard of privacy in their own home?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2016 ⏰

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