The Fight

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To be honest, I thought about calling into work sick. I decided against it though. As always, I needed the money. I just paid my rent for this month, so I'm running low again.

Walking into work was the same exact routine everyday. I notice a stack of papers on my desk in my office. I planned on going through them slowly so that it would last me all day. I really didn't want anything to do with Aiden today. Peace and quiet would be nice. Of course, my dreams are crushed half way through the day when he barges into my office.

"We have a meeting at three." He simply stated.

I looked up at him,"yes Mr. Carter."

What was I going to tell him? No?...I couldn't do that because he is my boss after all.

He left my office and met me at the elevators at 2:50 pm. I put on my brave face, wanting to get this over will as soon as possible. The whole elevator ride we didn't speak. We didn't even necessarily acknowledge that each other were standing there. I for one, had absolutely nothing to say to him. Well I had plenty of things to say in my mind, but I refrained from saying them out loud.

We continued down various hallways while walking side by side. My vision is focused on the conference room ahead that we are supposed to have the meeting at. All of a sudden, he grabs my arm and drags me into a random room on the right and slams me against the wall which caused me to wince at the pain from all my injuries. He shuts the door with his other hand before focusing back on me. His face is only inches away from mine. I couldn't move since his arm leaned above my chest was holding me in place. Neither of us said a word. We had a stare off and neither of us ended up blinking.

He finally decided to speak with venom in his voice, "go to hell, really?"

I didn't respond and just continued to stare blankly at him. Never once did I flinch.

He grunted, "you had no right so say what you did."

I licked my lips before speaking, "You weren't there." I paused waiting for him to answer, but he never did. "You weren't there. You were too busy fucking blondie." I tried to make sure that my voice wouldn't crack.

He didn't move his arm. I wish he did because the pain was starting to become unbearable. "Don't worry about what I'm doing Kylie. Your out of jail and you should be grateful. You're only out because of me." His eyes were full of rage.

"What did you do?" I said between my clenched teeth. I swear to god, if he paid for me I'm going to kill him. That's exactly what I didn't want.... his money.

"I paid. I paid for your ungrateful self. Instead of saying thank you, you tell me to go to hell." He spat.

"I told you not to pay!" I raised my voice, but not loud enough that others walking in the hallway would here. "I don't want your god damn money Aiden!"

"That was your only way out. If anything I saved you." He told me.

"So what? You want a cookie now or something? Do you feel like a hero?" I interrogated him.

He didn't answer. I thought this would be a perfect time to let him know that was hurting me. He looked at his arm pushed against me, and took it off. My body started to relax as I stepped away from the wall.

Aiden paced back and forth while running a hand through his hair. "Dammit Kylie! You're so confusing. You make me lose my mind."

I kept my distance from him, "we have a meeting to get to."

He stopped pacing, "how do you do that?"

"Do what?" I simply stated.

"It's like you turn your emotions off. No matter what the situation is, you continue on with your day like something bad never happened."

I shrugged, "Iv had a lot of practice. I'm not going to fight with you anymore. You're my boss and no matter what you'll always win. So why try?"

"Do you know why I gave the money even when you begged me not to? It wasn't to spite you Kylie. I couldn't stand seeing you in that place. I couldn't bare it." He started walking closer to me.

"I don't need your protection." I whispered.

He was now in front of me again, "I want to protect you though. I want you safe. I hated seeing what those guys did to you. I also hate how I can't see what you're feeling because you don't show it."

"You don't know what you're saying." I shook my head.

"Kylie..." He whispered. "You mess with my head in so many ways."

I could feel his hot breath on my skin, "don't kiss me. Not here anyways. We have a meeting to get to. We are five minutes late now." I wanted nothing more than to kiss him. I knew that right now wasn't the time though.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He went to go open the door and we headed off to our meeting. Of course, I stayed quiet the whole time, while he did his business. When the meeting was over we continued with our normal day. I was excited to leave work today because I didn't have to work at the bar tonight. That meant I get to do my favorite thing.... SLEEP!

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