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The Raven.

Tyler came to my place to grab me and then we walked to the place that I have always been trying to avoid. We talked the whole way there while giving each other rules to follow. What's that saying? "No man left behind."

We walked in almost complete darkness and music was blaring. There were glowing lights along the floors and ceiling.  The place was kind of ridiculous. There were so many hallways and doors. I wonder how this is even legal. We eventually found an empty couch to sit down on in an open area. I told Tyler about the people from work that were coming tonight and he got even more excited. We waited about ten minutes until I saw Mila appear in the dim light.

"Mila." I waved her over. Wait, why the fuck was the nasty blonde from first floor reception with her?

"Hey girl! You know some of these people from work right?" She introduced me to each of them and she was so excited to meet Tyler. Apparently she thinks he's really cute with his dark brown hair.

We all separated and went our own ways for a while. Mila always stayed by my side. So much for no man left behind Tyler. We danced and yes I did have a drink, or two, or three. I never drink so obviously I'm quiet the lightweight.

"Follow me." Mila dragged me to a room down one of the hallways. She wasn't as messed up as I am. I'm still aware at what is happening, but it's kind of blurry.

She pulled me into a room that smelled disgusting. There were about twenty people in it. I recognized some people from work including blondie. I was unsure on what Mila was doing until she took a drag out of a random guys mouth. Oh dear god what did I get myself into.

Drugs. There were drugs everywhere. On top of that I'm pretty sure there was at least one of any type of drug you can think of.

I watched blondie snort white powder on the table in front of her. I never really cared enough to learn her name.

"Kylie come on its fun!" Mila shook my arm wanting me to join.

She then slipped something in her mouth, "what was that?" I asked concerned.

"Ecstasy." She simply stated. "Iv done is plenty of times before. Come on its fun. There is no harm to it."

"Are you dumb?! Of course there is harm to it." I asked dumb founded.

"It just gets you super horny Kylie. So what, I have sex and then call it a night." She defended herself.

"Uh how about STDs? Other diseases?" I shook my head at her. I didn't know she was like this.

"You don't have to do anything if you don't want to." She smiled and patted my hand.

I felt completely sober now.

Blondie spoke up, "come on goody good. Just do one of something. It's called adventure." She egged me on. There was something about this girl. She makes me want to prove her wrong in everything. I don't know why she gets under my skin.

I stood watching for a while and no one bothered me. What's doing one hit? I'll be okay right?

I sighed and leaned towards blondie, "I want to try that."

She had a huge grin on her face, "yeah? Are you sure about that goody good?"

"I'm not going to say it again." I said emotionless.

"Sit on the floor next to me." She patted the seat next to her. She helped me on what I had to do. I did one hit, and then two. That was enough to have me feeling it right away. She helped me wipe my nose. We couldn't stop laughing for some reason. Maybe this girl wasn't so bad after all.

"I'm proud goody good." She put her arm around me and gave me a side hug.

Time seemed to drag on forever. Mila left with some guy and I had no idea where Tyler was. I probably should go find him. Wait, where was Aiden? Wasn't he supposed to be here. I wonder if he does drugs too?

"Where are you going?" Blondie tried to stop me while getting up.

"I have to go find Tyler." I reassured her. She just nodded her head in approval.

"See you at work." She waved me off.

I went looking for Tyler and couldn't find him anywhere. I know he wouldn't leave without letting me know first. I stumbled here and there trying to keep my focus and balance. A couple of guys tried grabbing me, but I just pushed them away or told them to "fuck off."

It feels like it's been an eternity since getting up to find him. Where the hell could he be? This place isn't that big. I started to feel extremely exhausted, so I decided to just head home. I would contact him in the morning and we could talk it out. I finally found the front door to this place and feel the rush of wind blow in my hair. The air felt so good against my hot clammy skin. It was refreshing.

Even though I am off my face right now I still know my way home. I walk for a while down an ally and make a couple of turns. No one is around and it's pitch black outside. At least I thought no one was around until I hear a couple of voices. I started to quicken my pace, but that just caused me to stumble even more. Their voices drew closer and closer. My heart started to beat faster and my hands became clammy all over again. I don't want to die.

Hey guys I decided to split this up! So part 2 will be out really soon!


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