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The cops were relentless. After hours of non stop interrogation, they finally gave up on me. I now have a huge headache and am even more upset with myself. I never make stupid decisions like this. It's like I don't even know who I am anymore.

I am left alone for a while. My nurse comes in to check on me every once and a while. I want to yell at her to get out each time, but I know she is just doing her job.

"The restraints? Please." I beg my nurse. They aren't helping my sanity what-so-ever.

She gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry sweetie, but I can't. They have given me orders and I would like to keep my job."

I kept myself silent, closed my eyes, and took in a deep breath. I needed to calm my nerves. Aiden hasn't come back since the cops wanted to talk to me. Even though it is late, I am aloud to have him as an overnight guest. The hospital has been very generous in that aspect or maybe it's because they couldn't wake him up to kick him out. I figured out that he is a very heavy sleeper. I'm thinking that he decided to leave and not come back. I wouldn't blame him because this whole situation is so messed up.

He isn't coming back I kept on saying to myself. That is the assumption that I have officially come up with. Since he wasn't coming I should get a good nights rest. It has been a stressful and hectic day to say the least. Even though this bed is the most uncomfortable thing I have ever laid on,  I close my eyes and instantly begin to dose off.

Next day

"Miss James." A mans voice wakes me from my slumber.

I squint open my eyes to see a blurry figure in front of me. "Who are you?"

He started to unstrap my restraints one by one, "One of the officers that interrogated you yesterday."

"Dear god, thank you." I said while messaging my wrists and bending my legs for the first time since I have been here. My body is so stiff.

"You need to get dressed..." He was cut off by a confused Aiden standing at the door.

"What the hell is going on?" Aiden looks at the officer and I in complete confusion.

The officer cleared his throat and continues, "As I was saying get dressed out of your gown and then you will be coming with me." He gave me a head nod and then walked out of the room.

I just stared at him with wide confused eyes like a ghost was just speaking to me.

"Why would you have to go with him?" Aiden pointed to the officer walking out.

At first I didn't answer and started to get dressed. I tried to sit up without causing myself too much pain, "I-I don't know."

"Well what happened yesterday when you guys spoke?" He wanted answers and I know he isn't going to like what I have to say.

"I didn't tell them the truth. They couldn't get me to talk." I paused. "Can you please pass me my shirt." I was wearing my bra and panties, so I was okay with changing in front of him even though I was basically nude. He wasn't even really paying attention or fazed by it.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" He began to shout at me before he threw my shirt at my waste.

"I didn't tell them anything." I looked down at my lap with my eyes still widened. I completely ignored the fact that he just yelled at me.

"Are you crazy?! I told you to tell the truth!" He raised his voice again.

"I couldn't okay?! I told you I couldn't." I yelled back. My voice laced with hurt and anger.

He started pacing back and forth while pulling his hair in different directions, "You do understand that he is going to take you to jail right?"

"Wha-what? Jail?" My voice repeated shakily.

He continued pacing, "What have you done. I can't believe the mess this has formed into."

I began to become terrified and my voice cracked, "I am so sorry. This was never supposed to happen."

He stops pacing and he looks at me with sympathy in his eyes, "Don't panic okay? I'll fix this."

"How?" I looks at him with pleading eyes. Why is he helping me? He barely even knows me.

"Just ..... don't worry. I will figure something out." He went to grab my hand, but the officer came barging back in my room to handcuff me and take me with him.

A week later

I have spent a week so far in this place. Hell has officially frozen over. Oh, and orange is not my color. The only good news is that I have a trial tomorrow morning. Aiden has visited me a couple of times and swears that he has a plan. Of course the first thing that he came up with was to bail me out. I didn't want his money though. I don't depend on others to help me out with financial situations. Besides, I know I could never pay him back and I don't want him to think I speak to him because of the money he has. A part of me believes that I belong in here for the mistake I made.

After his idea was quickly shot down, he wouldn't tell me his next plan. I don't even understand why he is helping me. Sure, he would lose his personal assistant, but I am sure that he would have no problem finding a new one to replace me. I can't wait until tomorrow because even though I cannot talk to them, I will be able to see Ashley and Tyler again. I miss seeing them everyday.

I go to my bunker to sleep the rest of the day and night away. I need to be well rested for tomorrows events.



COVER ABOVE CREATED BY Reed_And_Ink !!!!!!! thanks again :)

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