Thin walls

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"So how's life been? I haven't seen you in a while." Ashley asks walking into my room.

Ashley and I usually see each other everyday for the most part. It helps that her father owns Ricky's bar just down the street from where I live. Ashley and I work there at night. She lives about five minutes away in the opposite direction of my apartment. I obviously don't work every night since I have a job during the day now too.

I filled her in on everything that has happened these past couple of days. I also apologized for not working at the bar recently. She always says it is stressful when I'm not there to help.

"I can't believe you work for him. He is so sexy. The things I would do ...." She trails off while laying down on my bed.

"Ashley! Why the heck are you so horny?" I asked while folding laundry.

She sighs, "Ky I haven't had sex since like a month ago. I'm desperate."

"Horn dog." I shook my head.

"Ok whatever. We all can't be the Virgin Mary asshole." She rolled her eyes. "Some of us have needs."

"Oh don't give me that. You know I'm just waiting for the right guy you little slut." I snap at her.

"You're lucky I love you like a sister or else I'd probably light all your clothes on fire." She snaps back.

"Easy there Champ. You have such dark thoughts sometimes." I smile shaking my head again.

"You bring out the worst and best of me." She smiles contently.

We continued our bickering until it was time to head for the bar. Today I'm working both jobs. We decided on walking together. Since we didn't open up, the place was already starting to get packed. The bar was very popular to say the least. We had to wear black shorts, a red tank top with the bars name on it, black shoes, and an apron. The outfit wasn't slutty since Ashley's dad owns the place. We typically work behind the bar, but every so often we helped tables scattered around the bar.

"That guy won't stop looking at my tits." Ashley whispered in my ear looking annoyed.

I smiled while mixing a drink, "thought you wanted the attention?"

"Shut the fuck up. Not when he's like three times my age. Pervert." She rolled her eyes.

"But Ash, they have needs to." I pretended to gasp just to annoy her.

"You're dead to me." She pinched my arm.

"Ow! Damn cut your nails Edward scissor hand." I rubbed my arm with my hand.

We continued pouring drinks, taking orders, cleaning off tables, and talked to several customers. I loved working with Ashley because we always tried to make it fun. We definitely have a lot of memories in this place.

I looked up and Ashley came rushing towards me, "did you see who just walked in?"

I looked around confused, "No, who?"

"Uh, freaking Aiden Carter and his friends." Her eyes widened.

I froze for a moment. Why would they come to this bar? Surely, there is a nicer one in the better part of downtown.

"Well what do you want me to do? Kick them out?" I whispered following her around as she picked up some glasses.

"What? No." She scrunched up her face looking at me like I just said the dumbest thing in the world. "Are you going to talk to him?"

"I don't know." I crossed my arms looking around. I was severely nervous for some reason. I didn't really want him knowing that I work here too. He probably already thinks I'm a loser. "I don't want him to know I work here too, ya know?"

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