Quinns Death

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Chapter 6
( 2 years ago)
Finns pov :
It was normal day and the sun was shining . We only had two more days till Regionals and we were all so excited to go . I was at my locker with my two best friends Rachel and Quinn when suddenly we heard a scream and two gun shots .

"Run!" I yelled.

We ran towards the exit but I heard two more gun shots and then I felt this huge pain in the side of my stomach.

"Ahhhh!" Rachel yelled loudly.

Rachel fell to the ground and then I heard another scream .

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Quinn yelled .

"Rachel , Quinn!" I yelled coming over to us.

"Finn get Rachel and go!" Quinn yelled.

"No I'm not leaving you!" I yelled.

"She's bleeding out Finn I'll be able to walk just go!" She yelled.

"Finn." Rachel said weakly. She was bleeding I needed to get her out of there.

I looked at Quinn and gave her a kiss on her head ,

"I'm coming back for ya sis I promise ." I told her.

I then picked up Rachel and ran out side quickly .

"Somebody help! " I yelled loudly .

The ambulance rushed over and put Rachel on the gurney. I then turned around and went towards the school when I got stop .

"You can't go in there young man." The officer told me .

"I have too my sisters in there she's shot I have to get her out I promised her I would come back to her!" I yelled furiously at him.

"You can't!" He yelled firmly .

I angry and pushed him out of my way and ran back into the school.

"Quinn!Quinn!" I yelled loudly.

"Finn." She said weakly.

I looked over and saw her covered in blood .

"Quinn!" I yelled.

I ran over an picked her up carrying her outside to the gurney.

(The hospital )

I sat there for two hours with my mom , Burt, and Kurt waiting with Raches parents to hear something.

"Quinn Fabray?" The doctor said.

"Rachel Berry?" The other doctor said.

"How are they are they okay?" I asked them .

"Rachel fine and out of surgery. " One of them said.

"And Quinn? Is my daughter okay?" My mom asked .

The doctor looked at us and gave a sympathetic look to us ,

"Mr.and Mrs. Hummel , theres no easy way to say this but Quinn lost a lot of blood in surgery and her heart rate was too low to do anything. We tried to do our best . I am so sorry for your lost." He told us.

"No, no ,no!" My mom cried collapsing into Burts arms.

Everyone started to cry even Rachels parents . My sister was gone. How could this be ? It's all my fault.

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