Take a Chance

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Chapter 13
( 1 month later )
Finns pov :
Its been a month since Rachel forgave me and we're finally starting to get close again like how we were before. I think I wanna ask her out though . We have this amazing chemistry and she was my first and I was hers so I wanna make things right. I had a plan too a great one , one that she couldn't say no too. I walked into school to see Rachel at her locker.

"Hey. " I said smiling as I walked up too her.

"Hey." She said.

"So I have a question for you." I said.

"Okay shoot." She said.

"So I know we just got close again but Rachel I like you a lot and so I was wondering if you want to maybe go on a date with me?" I asked her.

She smiled slightly and said,

"Finn thats sweet and all but I think maybe we should stay friends for now." She told me.

"Come on Rach , just give me a chance , one chance thats all I need." I told her.

She thought for a moment,

"Okay pick me up at 6 on Friday. " She said and left.

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