chapter 3 to the land of waves part 1

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"Sasuke at point B"

"Sakura at point C"

"Zen at point D"

"Kanon at point E"

"..... Naruto at point A believe it"

"Your slow Naruto keep up with the others." Kakashi said.

"Targets on the move!" Zen said as the others followed it

"What's your current distance from the target." Zakuro said

"5 meters I'm ready just give the word believe it." Naruto said

"I am too." Sasuke said

"So am I." Sakura said

"We're ready as well." Zen said as he and Kanon waited for the commamd.

"Okay... NOW!" Kakashi said everyone jumped on the target. Naruto caught their target, who happen to be a cat, Tora, and began to scratch and beat him up. Sasuke confirm it was Tora by the ribbon on its ear.

"Mission complete everyone let's go home." Zakuro said through the mic.

"Can we have a challenging mission I hate cats!!!!!" Naruto yelled once Tora was in Kanon arms purring for petting her head.

"You were holding her wrong that why she fought you." She said as she began to walk away with a happy Tora in her arms.


"I can see why she ran away even I would run if I had her as an owner." Zen said to Kanon. As she agreed with him and felt pity for the cat.

"Hahaha serves him right." Naruto said as Sakura felt sad for the cat.

"Alright your next mission is to babysit do some groceries for..."

"NO no no no I'm not doing any of those there not missions there chores." Naruto said making a big X with his arms.

"Got to agree with him. Even our village isn't this lazy." Kanon said out loud.

"How dare you insult lord Hokage. Your all genin so you all have to take a d rank mission." Iruka said.

The third Hokage began explian about rank mission. Since Naruto and everyone know all this they heard Naruto talk about some ramen.

"So I had this toikatsu ramen so I was think having miso ramen today." He said as we all forgot that the Hokage was talking.


"Sorry sir." Zakuro said as everyone looked back up. As everyone was busy discussing about no more little kids stuff Kanon kept her eyes closed. Zen was a bit nervous as to when she'll snap and try to kill everyone.

"Alright I'll give you a c rank mission. You'll be bodyguards." The Hokage said. Naruto asked who it was but Kanon open her eyes when she caught the sent of alcohol in the air. An old man came in looked like he worked in construction.

"I'm Tazuna master bridge builder." He said but Zen notice that Kanon had a look of not trust him.

"Kanon what's wrong."

"Nothing just something about this guy I don't like." She said as Naruto trying to hit the client.

"Alright meet at the gates in two hours and take what you need for this mission dismissed." Zakuro said everyone went to gather their things.


After gathering there stuff Zen and Kanon had there stuff and extra ninja equipment. Zakuro was the first arrive from the others.

"So you guys are from the villages of Dragons." Zen nodded as Kanon was resting under a tree.

"So what's it like?"

"More peaceful and better then the other nations. No one is an outsider everyone is just one big family. Even Kanon has her own little fan club from the children. Out of everyone Kanon had it harder to trust people she only trusted Mayra sensei and a few people, but now she more open to the village she just had some work on her bonding skills." Zen said as he caught the rock that was aimed at his head.

"Shut up will ya." She said as she got up. She had a small gorge on her hip.

"Come on Kanon I know you can't hate little kids. Even if your past is something we all want to forget. But try to get along with team they're not bad like you say." Zen said as Zakuro was wondering what they were talking about.

"Just wait until they know your family members. They'll be like that once they know." She said as got her bag on her back. Just as everyone was arriving now. Even Kakashi was early this time. Naruto act like he never got out the village and saying now he's a true ninja and Tazuna insulted him again. They started to travel they mange to look at how different outside village is.

"Hey Tazuna you have family right." Kanon asked after being bored out of her mind.

"Yes I have my daughter and grandson." He said as he brought out a picture.

"I'm guessing the father died right." She asked.

"Unfortunately the man in the picture wasn't the real father. But to Inari he was like a father to him and somehow he became part of the family." He said.

"I always wonder what the love of a father is like sometimes." She said

"Did something happen to your family." He asked as everyone seemed interested in her now.

"Yeah my mother went missing while, my village didn't bother to notice I was human, and my father... well I never knew him very well. He was never really there for me when I needed him. As for my village... I hate them, but if leader-sama says to get along with them then I will even when I don't want to." She said as she placed her hand on her heart. She still remembers all of it the way the leaf had seen her as a demon's child. She refuses to believe that the leaf has changed to this day.

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