chapter 25 the grand festival part 1

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"Hey Kanon why is the festival called the grand festival?" Sakura asked as Kanon put on her uniform showing she serves the leader-sama.

"Oh that.... well the grand festival is three festivals into one. We combine the ceremony for the new leader-sama with the flower festival. As well congratulating the new chunin. So that's why we're calling it the grand festival." She explain as she put on her headband around her arm. They  were waiting for Miyako in the living room with everyone else. Everyone was dress the same except Tsunade who had her hokage hat.

"Oh that makes sense." She said as Miyako came in the room.

"Okay I guess everyone is ready since I see that everyone is here now." Miyako said as she fixed her pigtails.

"Yeah let's get going now or we'll be late." Kanon said they head to where the ceremony was at. Just as they got to square they were surprised to see a few others with the same uniform only in black. After explian why they have that outfit even if it was a bit strange for them. They wore white jackets that were sleeveless that showed their rank in the village. With their ninja boots and shorts that reach below their thighs with stockings that cover up to their knees.

"Anyway once we get there the hokage and any gaurd she wants to take with her must follow a small dragon that will lead you to the other kages. We already inform them that the kazekage was ill and couldn't come but sent three shinobi to take his place as representatives of his." Miyako explain as they walk into town where everyone was heading to a specific building.

Inside they saw many ninja but the boys out fit were different from the girls they had the shorts longer and ninja boots as well. But their headbands were all on their left arm every last one of them. The dragons were all on the ceiling and some were near the wall sitting on the ground.

"Okay this is were we have to go with the others. You guys have seats saved so just look for two boys in the middle of those seats." Kanon said as she and Miyako walk to the others.

They found their seats and saw two boys that looked like they should be in school. One was taller and had brown hair and onyx eyes and the other had raven hair but had brown eyes. They notice them and wave at them. They could see Kanon and the others as everyone heard a gon so loud that made everyone quiet. A huge shadow cover the area and they saw a dragon even bigger than the one in the water. His wings were long and shine with different colors as it sat proudly in the center of the arena.

'Come Kanon you shall say what I have to save for those who don't understand me.' He said to Kanon as she got up and stood in front of him where the microphone was.

To many he sound like he was roaring but they knew he was telling her what to say.

"My people, friend, guest. It brings me great honor to welcome all of you to the grand festival. Not only that but choose our next leader for our village. It hurt me to know that our former leader-sama Haruka died along with many of our good friends. Not only did we lose our best fighters but we lost a part of our family. But they live on inside our hearts inside our memories and most of all inside the villages. Now then without any further delay let's greet our new leader-sama." Kanon said as they brought out a cape with the writing the fifth leader. When they gave it to her she seemed nervous to do this for him. As he began talking again and said what she needed to say.

"Now then Mayra Uchiha please come forth." She said as her sensei look a bit nervous but still came up to the great dragon. He told her what to say and what she had to do with the Cape.

"It brings me great honor to be here not only did you sacrifice you childhood for the village but saved many lives for what you did to unify two villages nine years ago. To this day you grown stronger for the weak, wiser for the young, and a great teacher like all your comrades. Even having to raise a family on your own along with others who see you as a sister to many of our shinobi and kunoich. Therefore without further ado I place this as a symbol to be the next leader-sama." Kanon said as she place the Cape on her. Then the great dragon connected his nose with her forhead and place an arm brace on her with a stone that change to many colors.

'Now rise you are now the new leader-sama and show yourself to everyone.' The great dragon said as he extended his wings.

Everyone cheered as the began celebrate for their new leader-sama. As Kanon join the the others and kneeled before her. And the others stayed like that.

"I vow to protect my home and my family even if it cost me my life." Mayra said as everyone cheered for her. That's when they receive their orders to stand again.

"We vow to serve you leader-sama with our lives." They all said at the same time with their fist on their heart. Everyone seem so happy and glad to see they'll shall survive to the day they die.  Even the others seem surprised by their loyalty to the village.

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