chapter 13 the news crew

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Everyone was at the field and they look at what is supposed to be the 44th battle zone. Also known as The Forest of Death.

As the proctor name Anko told us all we need to do. The main rule was not to look inside the scroll and to open it at the tower with the other scroll together. Just as she finished a square box showed up and began to follow Naruto everywhere he went. That is until he told them that it was the worse disguise of a rock. Then a huge explosion Came out and the same three kids took the box rock place. They introduced themselves as Moegi, Udon, and Konohamaru.

"Man what are little kids doing here. Aren't they supposed to be in school or something." Suzaku asked as they brought out their notebooks and pen.

"Who cares as long as they don't get in our way in the exams then we're good." Leo said as Luna stood next to him.

"Listen up everyone were having a thirty minute break. Be kind to the young reporters from the academy." Anko yelled at everyone.

"Well I'm going to get some sleep since we won't be able to let our gaurd down." Zen said as he went up a tree.

"Well me and Luna are going to check on our medical supplies." Leo said they left to a secluded area.

"Well that leaves us but I'm going to see what cute girls I could find to help out. Later." Suzaku said as he left.

"That leaves you and me now huh Miyako." Kanon said as they went near some rocks.

"Yep oh well less people is better and it's quiet." She said as she sat on the ground as they began to relax a little until Naruto came up.

"Hey Kanon got a minute."


"Ah Konohamaru and his friends wanted to interview you and your teammates of yours. But they seem not to find any of your friends. So I was wondering if you could let them ask a few questions for their newspaper." He said with a grin.

"Doesn't matter to me if they ask me questions." She said as she laid back for a bit.

"Great here they are." He said the three little kids were there now.

"HI nice to meet you can we ask you a few questions." The boy with the scarf ask

"I guess."

"Alright so what's it like in the exams for you?"

"It's not easy but at the same time it's not hard either. The exams requires a lot of focus if you mess up you could get caught and fail."

"Wow okay next question. So far what's your team like?"

"Well we work well together when it's just us girls but when both squads are together. Well we're strong enough to protect our home. Plus everyone has a strong point in the squad. Luna is a medical ninja still in training. Miyako is really strong from long distance and happens to be really strong with taijutsu as well. And I'm pretty good at defense I guess."

"Wow so cool." The three kids asked.

Miyako looked at how clam she's been but saw the three sand genin looking at them. The red head one kept looking at Kanon as the guy with cat ears seem to notice her.

'Why do I get a feeling something bad is going to happen.' She looked at the sky and saw it was cloudless.

"Hey there." She looked and saw the guy with cat ears.


"My name Kankuro what be your name." The guy said.


"Miyako what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Kankuro said as he smiled.


"Your not into talking a lot are you waiting for your team?"

"Yeah Kanon is talking with some reporters and my other teammate check on her supplies."

"Wait your teammates with her the girl with black hair and a gouge on her hip." He asked nervously.

"Yeah got a problem with it."

"Uh no it's just I'm a bit afraid of her since I kinda got her mad once."

"Ahh that explains why. Yeah she can be scary when she's angry but that only happens when you mess with kids or her family." She said as she saw that Kanon hit Naruto on the head.

"It strange how different they are." She wondered how in the world are they related. The guy was a major idiot while she was smarter then everyone.

"Anyway Kankuro what kind of puppet do you have with you." She asked as he seem surprised that she could tell it's a puppet.

"Well it's a surprise for later."

"Aww but I really want to know." She said with pout.

"Well if you want I can show you one day." He said with a hint a blush.

"Cool well I got to go later." She walked away as she walked near Kanon.

"Naruto for the last time that didn't happen. What really happened was that we got the dogs and you had to get a big dog and drag you to a mine filed and you ended up burn and the dog unharm."

"Hahaha is that really true." The boy said as the others laugh.

"I have no comment on that one."

"So what's been going on?" Suzaku asked Miyako as he saw the kids with Kanon.

"Oh nothing just enjoying the moment." She smiled as they looked at Kanon.

"Thanks you so much for letting us interview with you guys." The girl name Moegi said as the boys and her bow to them.

"Hey boss we'll be cheering for you. As well as you Kanon show them what your made of." Konohamaru said to them.

"You can count on it." Naruto said and Kanon nodded. And the three kids walked away and proctor began the exams again.

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