chapter 18 training

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Kanon mange to ask Mayra sensei to train her and she gladly accepted. She already master one jutsu in a few days and is learning the second jutsu.

"Kanon go take a break for now you worked hard for it. That way I can go and get something to eat the both of us." Mayra sensei said as she looked at the sky.

'I hope he's not in serious trouble.' Mayra thought as she looked at her student.


"Come on Miyako you should be able to counter block my attack with that weapon." Parker sensei said as she pulled back her attack.

"I'm sorry sensei I just out of breath can we take a break for a few minutes." She asked as she was breathing fast.

"Fine just ten minutes but we're doing this again alright."

"Yes ma'am." She sat on the ground and deactivate her weapon connected to her legs.

'How do those two do it.' She thought seeing that Parker and Marvin train together a lot.

Somewhere else

"Katsu!" Leo was blocking all of Marvin's attack. He was unable to get a scratch on him not even dust.

"Come on Leo this shouldn't be hard to do all you had to do was get one attack on me. Yet were still not close to it." Marvin teased him causing him to make more clay brids.

"Try this one." He released ten brids at the same time seeing if he can get one close."

"Maybe next time ninja art; dragon fist jutsu." He created two dragon heads made of fired and punch each clay bird before they exploding.

"No way that was my best move." He said as he fell to his knees.

"Alright let's go take a break and after I'll teach you a move that your opponent will never think you would do." Marvin said as he help him up.

"Sure thing sensei." They went into town get some food just like every other day.

Time skip

Back to Kanon

"Alright now that you mastered the frist two stages try to perform the technique now." Mayra said as she showed her kunai to her. It had a mark on it and she threw it into the bushes behind her and another in front of her. She got to the father one so fast and back to where she was standing in less than a minute.

"Alright I think I got it." She began transferring her chakra mark. Once she did aim it at the cliff that was on the other side of cliff.

'Alright focus on the seal and only on that. No distractions.' She closed her eyes and focus her chakra mark. Once she found it she instantly open her eyes and saw the cliff. With her sensei on the other side making a sign to look down and she saw her chakra mark that the kunai had was there.

"Way to go Kanon you finally learn the flying thunder God technique." She yelled as Kanon grab the kunai and got back where she started. (I really don't know how the learn to do it let's pretend it's like that.)

"Alright so what else can I learn for the exams." Kanon asked all excited now.

"It's a special jutsu that I learn from your uncle and he learn it from his sensei who got it from one of the hokage's. It's called ...."

Back to Miyako

'Damn it I can't go on anymore I've reached the limit of my weapon.' She thought as her legs gave up on standing and sat there on the ground.

"Thrity attack and fifty blocks plus using Arial mode and you reached your limit. I'm impressed that you still have your legs after this. Anyway now that you ran out of chakra I can show you this jutsu for the exams it's a summoning jutsu. I'll show how to summon an animal but for now we can take the rest of the day off you need your energy." Parker said as she walked up to her.

'Finally' She cheered happily.

"Be here at eight in the morning your dismissed now."

"Yes ma'am. Jiyu can you take back to the room since I can't walk right now." She said as her dragon came out. He had white scales and some blur ones. (Just look at the picture below and that's is what he looks like.)

"Sure thing but how can I land on the village with my size

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"Sure thing but how can I land on the village with my size." He asked curiously.

"By then I should have some feeling on my legs. So let's go back to rest." She said as he help her on his back.

"Why do you push yourself to much."

"Well how am I going to catch up with the others if I take it easy."

"Your will catch up one day just don't push yourself too much. I don't want to lose my master at such a young age." He said as got ready to take off.

With Leo

Leo had mange to perfect his new clay booms. Luna has been helping him out with his training and they mange to increase their physical strength now.

"Hey Luna thanks for your help in Leo's training." Marvin said as Leo was panting from avoiding all attacks. They already advance taijutsu more.

"No problem anyways let's go back now maybe a good rest and home-cooked meals will help get your strength back." She said as Leo and Marvin smiled and nodded.

Marvin looked up and saw the sun going down. Ever since he came here a bad feeling in his gut hasn't left.

'Could it be that something is going to happen in the chunin exams.' He thought as he remembered this same feeling from long ago.

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