chapter 19 the third exam

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After a whole month of training all the day for the third exam had arrive. All the candidates were there all except Doku, Naruto, and Sasuke have yet to arrive.

"Where's that Naruto his match is first and he's late." Kanon said as she looked around.

"Hey do you guys hear that?" Miyako asked as she heard something running all the way here. The next thing the knew Naruto arrive rambling on about a stampede of bulls coming. 

"Oi stop talking and make yourself  presentable. You guys are the main event." The guy said as he chews on what look like a thin stick.

"Alright there was some changes in the matches so please look at and see who you'll be up against." He showed who would be fighting against.

Doku was out of matches which everyone had a fight the first round. Naruto match was first then Miyako then Sasuke then Leo then Shino. After Shino is Shikamaru and last Kanon match.

"Alright the first match please stay the rest of you are to wait in the booth up there. So any questions before we start."

"Yeah what happens if Sasuke isn't here for his match?" Naruto asked worried that the answer wasn't what he thought it would be.

"That person would be disqualified." He said as he turned and called out the two who would fight first.

Time skip

So far Naruto beat Neji and everyone was amazed that he won. No one expected the great Neji Hyuga would lose to him. Miyako won her match but she had use her puppets to win. Sasuke match was posted to the end of the first round so everyone was seem a bit excited to know that he won't be disqualify. Leo won his with taijutsu and very few booms. Shino won his match by Kankuro forfeiting the match. And so far Shikamaru showed the most interesting battle of using his mind and knowing when to give up.

"Alright Kanon and Renge Yu please come down do we can start." Renge went through the stairs while Kanon jump from the rails. She landed on her feet with no problem.

Once they faced each other the told them the rules he let them begin. Renge made her distance while Kanon let her water roam around her.

"Well it seem so long since I last beat you. Right deamon child."

"I'm not a deamon child. Are you blind because of that seaweed of a hair."

"What did you just say about my hair. How dare you compare it to seaweed. At least my hair doesn't look like that girl from the ring." She said hoping to make her feel depressed.

"My looks are the least of my importance unlike you. You have no idea what really is important." She said as it seemed to tick her off.

"Keep telling yourself that because what is really important is one self and no one else. Plus how else will I get all the boys attention to me if I don't keep myself beautiful."

"What a bunch of crap." Kanon said as her waters seemed to attack on their own. Just as Renge saw it she barely dodge it only getting a rip out of her cloths.

"How dare you ruin my favorite outfit." She said as she did a few handsign.

"Fire style fireball jutsu" She made a fire ball and aim it at her but kanon water protected her. Once she could saw the water protecting her like before.

"No way you should be burn to crisp." She said as she began to back away.

"Is that all you got. If it is let me show you a real attack." Kanon made a handsign as it looked like the clouds in the sky covered the arena.

"Now ninja art crystal mirrios." Kanon remembered that Haku jutsu was different from this one. His was by blood that could make this jutsu perfectly. Unlike her's she was able to make a version of the same jutsu.

"What the heck is this." As Kanon entered and add shadow clones to get more than one attacker. No matter what she did they mange to scratch her in every dirction the needles came from. A few stab her on the legs and other places.

"Listen I don't want to kill you so give up or else I will aim for the kill points." Kanon said Renge got up again.

"I rather die then let you win by forfeiting this match." She said as she got up but couldn't anymore.

"It's pointless to win if you can't stand anymore. Just give up you already lost the match." Renge looked at her and smirk.

"Your wrong because you have already fell to my trap." She did a handsign but when she try release it she couldn't.

"What the heck why can my jutsu be release."

"Easy I block all your chakra points. That was when I was hitting you with needles."

"What" She she try to gather up some chakra in her fist but nothing.

"Now give up there's no way you can win this battle." Renge looked down and thought about all her dishonor to her clan of never giving in to the enemy.

"I rather die then give up."

"Suit your self" She aim the needles to her all the organ that would kill her immediately. The next thing that happen she wasn't there.

'Did someone save her?'

"That's enough Kanon." She got out and saw that her sensei saved her opponent.

"Due to the interruption Kanon wins by deflat." The proctor said out loud for everyone.

"Tch what a waste of space you are in the ninja world. The fact someone saved you when you had the chance to save yourself." She said as the wind blew making a vortex of leafs and in the middle was none other than Sasuke and Kakashi.

"Took you guys long enough to get here." She said as Kakashi laughed for her comment.

"And who you supposed to be?" The proctor asked.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha."

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