chapter 15 preliminary part 1

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Few days later

Kanon and the others were either just talking with the other genin or just watching the others.

'What could those three boys be doing. Tomorrow's the last day to get the scrolls here.' Kanon thought as she relaxing there as if it nothing important. Soon she just closed her eyes.

She could see her home in the village all the kids running and playing. Their leader-sama was observing the next generation of ninja. Everyone was happy but everything turn dark and she saw the blood of everyone on the ground. She turn and saw her teammates and the village in ruin.

She opened her eyes from that vision. It was the first time in a long time that has happened like that. Then she felt someone looking at her and saw it was Gaara but looked away when she saw him.

'Did I talk in my sleep again or was it strange of me sleeping here.' She look at the ceiling and clam herself.

'That dream only comes when something bad is going to happen.' She looked at Gaara only to lock eyes with her. At the same time he look as well and his heart began to beat faster than normal. Just like Kanon and heat rose to her cheeks.

'What is this feeling.' They both thought. As something made their hearts beat fast.

Time skip after explaining the exams

After they told them what they have to do at the preliminary rounds they got down to business. They saw Sasuke go against some guy with sunglasses. He won that battle then Shino against a sound ninja but Shino won.

Up next was Miyako and a member of the stone village. She defeated him in one blow not letting him get the chance to use any jutsu.

"She's strong." Naruto said as they notice her shoes were different.

"So she use the kagura." Suzaku said as some of the other began to wonder what that jutsu was.

"What's that? Is it something kind of jutsu." Sakura asked.

"No it's like a weapon and taijutsu mixed in one single attack. It feels like a very powerful wind that can blow away a home but this technique that she used requires very little chakra. This is the result of prefect chakra control she has by using this technique." Zen explian to them.

"So she one of those people that can do that." Naruto asked.

"In a way yes not many ninja of our village have great chakra control. Yet it is required to have chakra control. Its the only way to connect to our dragons as well. Without chakra control our dragons would go on rampages wherever we go." Leo told them.

"So let me get this straight you guys need perfect chakra control so your dragons won't go after everyone here. Which may cause an act of war with no real reason to fight." Shikamaru said.

"Yes thats right but that alone won't make the Dragon under control. We have to trust each other and make a pack with them. If we have more dragons that will make us have to be more controlled with their chakra. Or they will be mentally and physically weak and they will turn against us." Kanon told them

"But if you guys know this then why do you get the dragons." Kakashi asked.

"Why do you think we have an exam to show which are the stronger to protect leader-sama. They are the candidates that have stronger chakra and chakra control. They are the only ones that the dragons will be overpowered by their inner strength." Luna told them.

"Oh that makes sense then." Naruto said as he looked at the screen. He saw Leo was up against another of the genin of the stone village as well.

"Wish me luck." He said as he walked away from them. Miyako jump on Kanon shoulder like a kid would do to their older sibling.

"Did you see me they couldn't stand a chance with that attack." She said smiling.

"Don't underestimated the others you have no idea how strong they are." Kanon said they saw that Leo use his art of clay booms making the opponent taken back about his jutsu. In the end he lost as well.

"What a waste of time this is." She said as she looked up she saw Gaara and Miyako look at her direction.

"Really then why are you staring at that sand ninja. If you ask me I don't think it's a waste of time." She said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up." They saw Luna against a leaf ninja but kanon felt that she's seen her somewhere but doesn't remember where.

Luna looked scared that her every move she threw at her was blocked or dodge. Even her clay booms which is her main weapon nothing worked on her. With chakra running low she had no choice but to forfeit the match. No one expected that not even her own teammates.

"No way how the Hell did that girl know every move she was going to make." Miyako asked and that when Kanon remember.

"It's her way of teasing her opponents. She's using a jutsu that can make people doubt themselves. Even if your the best at everything your self confidence maybe your weak point." Kanon explian to her.

"That girl is one of the few girls that scared me the most here in this village." She said as she shook in anger.

"Kanon. You mean that some of the people who hurt you are here?" Miyako whispered quietly.


"The winner is Renge Yu." The Procter said as many looked at her.

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