chapter 16 preliminary part 2

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After Luna came back she couldn't look at her teammates. Even her own twin she was sad that she lost to a leaf ninja.

"Luna you did your best. You can't expect to win at everything all the time. So it's not a problem." Kanon said as she looked at the next opponents to battle. It was Kankuro and another leaf ninja. At first it was boring but then it got really interesting. Kankuro was a puppet master which got Miyako interested now. She didn't get to use her special jutsu since it was a weak opponent. Kankuro won that battle with out a problem.

"Wow that's a crow I've never seen one in great condition in my whole life." Miyako said in awe.

'We lost her now.' The girls thought. Kanon saw that Sakura wasn't around at all but saw her coming from the stairs. She walked to team 7 and looked at the screen. Naruto began complaining and Sakura laugh at him a bit but she stop laughing when she saw the screen and the next match.

Sakura Haruno vs. Ino Yamanaka

The battle was pretty good and they only did hand to hand combat. That is until Ino slap Sakura on the check.

"I wonder if she's holding back for a reason." Suzaku asked as the others looked at them. They took of their headbands and tied it around their foreheads. The battle was even more intense they were equally match with each other's skills. But unfortunately neither of them won it was a tie. Everyone seem amazed that it was a tie and Kanon couldn't believe that Sakura mange to stand her ground to the end. Sakura not only was able to show she wasn't weak but earn the right to be called a true ninja.

As they manage to get everyone's attention again they saw who was next it was Suzaku against a leaf ninja in Renge team.

The battle started and everyone was amazed that Suzaku was using fire jutsu. Even taijutsu but the guy was able to match up to him and used a special taijutsu to defeat Suzaku.

"It seems that the squad they have are not holding back like some of us do." Luna said looked scared to see a beat up comrades.

"No way." Kanon looked at where Miyako was looking. And there she saw who was up next.

Kanon vs. Sayuri

"Guess it's my turn this will be quick I seriously don't want to waste my time ." She said as she walked to arena.

There stood a girl same hight as her with short blonde hair and green eyes. She was from the land of stone as well.

The proctor let the match start and the girl name Sayuri jump away from her. Not knowing what she might be able to do.

"Come on don't keep me waiting I'll let you have the first move." Kanon told her the girl looked at her and took the offer. She threw all type of booms and kunais but none got to her. They saw a shield made of water and ice protecting her.

"What the Hell it looks like Gaara's sand shiled. Only made out of water." Kankuro said as Temari nodded.

"Is that all you got." She said in a teasing way.

"I'm just getting started." She she threw kunais with paperbooms and a smoke boom. Once she couldn't see she threw all the weapons at her. Everyone waited and saw all the weapon were stop at in the air.

"Is that all you got." She said as Sayuri looked scared.

"If it is then let's end this is I really do hate attention a lot." She said as most of the weapons got directed it to her.

"Never let your enemy know all your jutsu or else they'll use it against you." And all her weapons got directed to her fast.  When they saw that some have stab her but none were killed points.

"Amazing she showed no mercy to her at all." Temari said as Gaara seemed more interested in her now.

"She the one for you. You better get her or else I'll make things worse for you." His inner deamon said as Gaara didn't mind the warning. He already had an eye on her from the start and he was planing to make her his one way or another.

"The winner is Kanon."

"Yeah way to go Kanon!" Miyako yelled smiling at her teammate while a few seem scared to talk now.

"That was amazing Kanon you didn't use any other jutsu then that one." Luna said as they took the girl out.

"Tch she was an easy target not even worth using more then one jutsu." She said as she stood next to them.

"I'm going to sleep for awhile wake me up when something interesting comes up." She said as she went and sat on the floor and slept. She already felt tired.

Once she fell asleep was in the same place where she saw Kurama. She walked where he was as saw him laying there.


"Kanon it's good to see you again I guess the second exam is over for you?"

"Yep I passed I'll be going to the third exam soon. So have you been sleeping this whole time." She asked as he looked at her.

"There is nothing else to do but sleep. By the way I sense that Damn rodent nearby. "

"You mean shukaku's chakra? I didn't know you can sense it."

"That Damn rodent is by far the most annoying one. Even when the sage of six paths were alive he try to get on me nerves." He said as she laughed with him.

"Anyway Kanon beware of those you trust. Especially that shukaku jinjuriki guy." He said as he laid down.

"Alright Kurama I'll be going now I'll see you when I can again." She said as she got up.

"Alright you better pass these exams." He said as she left to go back to see the end of the exams.

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