chapter 20 farewell and until we meet again

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Everything seems to go in slow motion now. One minute Sasuke and Gaara were fighting and then the next thing they new the hidden leaf village was being attack by the sound and sand.

"What the heck is going on?" She looked and that the sound ninja try to get her but were taken down by her sensei.

"Kanon our main objective is to help the leaf village.  For now forget about Gaara and his teammates." Marvin sensei said he fought with a few sound ninja.

Parker sensei was helping out Kakashi and Gai from a sneak attack. They seemed impressed about her fighting style. Especially Kakashi.

"Thanks for the help." Gai said as Parker use a special jutsu that her fathers village train in.

"Ninja art Kujaku beast." A different type of chakra turn into a beast and attack all the sounds that came at them.

"Zen get everyone and head inside the village help out any villagers that are escaping from this. And hope that the great dragon will protect leader-sama in there." Stacy sensei said as she used her ice jutsu to stop some sand ninja attacks.

"Right let's go." Zen said as they left.

"You sure those six genin can handle it." Gai asked as he fought.

"They're the best of the best no one can beat them." Parker sensei said as her beast deflected the attacks.

"Anyway we have to focus here more then anything." The all agreed and continue to fight with each other.

Somewhere around the village

Kanon and her squad took care of the ninja that came from the hole that some snakes created. When the sand ninja saw their headbands they try to run only to be knock out but the others.

"Why would the sand ninja be attacking the leaf? I thought they made peace with each other." Luna asked as they head to help out the ninja.

"It seems that they are being used for this attack. If you guys notice how werid their kazekage acted. He wasn't the same as before when we went for a mission on dropping those scrolls." Miyako said as she clean up the place using her kagura.

"It doesn't matter right now our main objective is to help the leaf. Even if we have to kill the sand ninja. So let's go girls." Kanon said as they nodded.

'Naruto please come back safe.' She thought as she went on her own mission.

Time skip

Naruto was brought back along with the rescue team as well. Leo and Luna went straight to helping them out with any injury they had. Kanon and Zen along their sensei and the others went to find their leader. Once they got there what they saw made them heart broken. There on the ground next to the hokage was their leader.

She was in a pool of her own blood with a smile on her face and her hand on the hokage's hand.

"No this can't be happening she was the strongest out all of us. How could she have fallen from this one battle." Parker said as her legs gave up.

"Stacy check if there's any vitals quickly." Marvin said but kanon hold her back.

"Even if there were she's gone from the amount of blood lost and the stones that represented her dragons are gone as well. I know the great dragon had to go back to mount Ryu but the others are wandering around now. To think our leader would die protecting the leaf." Mayra said as she let some tears go.

"It's best if we get her body back to the village to join her family now." Stacy said as she created a ice create for the body. Once the lid closed they seal it in a scroll and began to walk away.

"Let's go home everyone we need to tell the villagers as well." They all nodded and scattered to collect their things.

Time skip

Kanon and the others were about to leave the village along with the body. Just as they were to step out of the gate someone called her. When she turn she saw it was her mother and beside her was her father and Haku.

"Kanon please stay here with us." Her mother pleaded.

"I can't my home is the village of dragons. It where I belong and I feel like I have more meaning there then here. I'm sorry mother but I have to go." Kanon said as she began to walk away not looking back to see them.

"Kanon I think you sh-" Zen began but was cut off by her.

"Don't make it harder for me now. I won't leave the team at least until I have a reason too. Our village safety is more important right now and leader-sama would have want us to make sure it was safe." Kanon said as she walked ahead. Zen looked back and saw that her mother was crying in Zabuza's arms.

'Maybe they'll see each other soon and she may have known that from the start.' He thought while walking. And just like that they left to go back to their village with the sad news of their leader to their village.

A Second Chance (Naruto Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora