Chapter 11

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Pain: You just have to ride it out. Hope it goes away on its own. Hope the wound heals on its own. There are no solutions, no easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside. Most of the time pain can be managed, but sometimes the pain gets you when you least expect it. It’s way below the belt and doesn’t let up. Pain. You just have to fight through because the truth is you can't outrun it... And life just makes more.❝

Mark had just got out of surgury and was on his way to have lunch with Cassidy.
Derek had promised her to have lunch with her, but he was still in surgery so Mark had to step in. He had to promise Derek that he would do it, so she didn't have to be alone.

She shouldn't be alone. She didn't have any family here. They were the only ones she had.

She was such a sweet girl and she made Derek so happy, and they all enjoyed spending time with her.

Mark grabbed lunch for them both  and made his way to her room.

He couldn't help but smile, as the picture of Cassidy, Derek and Zola popped onto his mind. It was so good to see his best friend happy again, after everything that happened with Meredith.

As hd finally reached the hall, leading to her room he saw a bunch of people gathered in her room.

Something was wrong.

He placed the bag with food on the nearest counter as he ran towards her room.

"What happened?!" Mark asked in a harsher tone, than intended, when he saw her pale face and all the wires attached to her body. She was unconscious, and it was like all life had left her body.

No one answered his question.

"Dr. Hunt!" Mark yelled in a commanding tone, wanting an answer.

"There's eternal bleeding, probably from an infection." Owen answered.

She wasn't looking good this morning, but she looked even worse now.
It looked like she had a bad fever. She was pale, but her cheeks were burning red.

"We need to get her to the OR now!" Dr. Hunt yelled to the other staff.

Mark just watched in shock, as they pushed her bed down the hall, towards the elevator.

"Derek" He said under his breath.

Derek needed to know. He would kill him, if he didn't tell him, that Cas was in surgery.

Mark hurried to the elevator and went down to Derek's OR.

Everyone's attention turned to him, as he burst through the door, except from Derek, who didn't take his eyes from his patient.

"Derek." Mark greeted, trying to hide the desperation in his voice.

"Mark." Derek responded a bit surprised, with calm, steady hands.

"How long is this going to take?" Mark asked.

"Give me a couple of minutes." Derek answered smiling to himself, satisfied with his work.

"What do you need?" Derek asked, still concentrated on his work.

"I'll tell you, when you're done." Mark quickly answered, trying to sound calm.

"Okay?" Derek said confused.

After Derek was done with his surgery, he went and washed his hands.

"What's up?" He asked cheerfully, before noticing Mark's serious and concerned expression.

"It's Cas. She's in surgery." I said quietly, so that all the other staff didn't hear it.

"Where is she?!" Derek asked with a serious look on his face.

"OR 3." Mark answered, just before Derek stormed off towards the OR.

"Derek, you can't go ind there!" Mark yelled after him, but he didn't listen.

Mark quickly followed him, as he burst into the OR.

"Dr. Shepherd, you can't be here." Mark heard Dr. Hunt say in a demanding tone.

"Dr. Sloan, would you please get Dr. Shepherd out of the OR." Owen said, as Mark stepped inside.

"Derek, come on." Mark tried.

"No. I'm not leaving her." Derek hissed, just in the same second as the monitor went crazy.

"She's coding." Dr. Hunt yelled.

"Dr. Sloan!" Owen hissed at Mark , once again asking him to get Derek out.

"Derek, come on!" Mark hissed, as he pushed him out of the room.

"Let them do their job!" Mark hissed, looking directly at Derek, before he started pacing back and forth.

"She'll be fine Derek." Mark tried to assure him.

Derek turned and faced Mark, with so much pain in his eyes.

"I can't lose her." He said, shaking his head.

"I can't..."  He repeated, his voice breaking.

"I know." Mark said quietly, as he walked up to him.

"You won't lose her." He continued, grabbing him by his shoulders.

They sat down on the floor, with their backs leaning against the wall.

"She's so simple. She has this abillity to make everything seem, so easy. Like there's was nothing, that we couldn't get through. She's..." Derek started, speaking with such affection, but he couldn't finish.

"She's everything you ever dreamt about." Mark finished for him.

"Yeah." He sighed.

"You'll get the chance to tell her.
She's not done with you yet." Mark said, earning himself a small, fragile smile from Derek.

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