Chapter 21

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❝ Yes or no. In or out. Up or down. Live or die. Hero or coward. Fight or give in. I'll say it again to make sure you hear me. The human life is made up of choices. Live or die. That's the important choice. And it's not always in our hands.

Mark's point of view.

Derek and Cassidy's life was turned upside down after they removed Zola, to review Meredith and Derek's adoption.

It was such a hard couple of weeks for everyone. They all just had to wait for news about the adoption. It was driving them crazy.

I felt so devastated on their behalf and it was heartbreaking to watch my best friend be so devastated. And I didn't know how to help him or Cas. It was hard on her too. She really cared about Zola.

Cas practically lived at Derek's place by now, so we didn't see her much at Callie and Arizona's apartment anymore.
She and Derek sometimes stepped in to babysit Sophia, but that was also so hard on them. Of course she reminded them of Zola.

But I was happy that Derek had Cassidy. He wouldn't make it without her. His resentment towards Meredith, because of everything that happened, would eat him up.

Cassidy brought some light into his life. She was consistent and loving. Just what he needed right now.
I almost envied him of his luck. You don't meet a girl like her on every street corner.

She recovered well from all her surgeries and now worked full time at the hospital to everyones delight.

I just finished a surgery and was on my way to get some lunch, as I checked my phone.

I got a text message from Cassidy.

"I really need to talk to you... Call or text me when you have time.
- Cas."

I wondered why she needed to talk to me. We got pretty close over these last few months and she was a really good friend. But I had no idea what she wanted to talk about but I decided to quickly text her back.

"I just got out of surgery. Want to grab lunch together and talk?"

"I need to talk to you somewhere private. Can you meet me in the meeting room in 5?" Cas texted back.

"Yeah sure." I replied, getting a bit worried.

I hurried through the halls and made my way to the meeting room.

"Hey. Is everything all right?" I asked concerned and almost out of breath as I stormed into the room where Cas was waiting for me.

"I'm okay." She quickly responded before she locked the door behind me.

"What's going on Cas?" I asked, making her sigh.

"Everything is so complicated with Meredith and the adoption. We don't know if we get Zola back. Derek is so worried. We have only been together for some months and...." She rambled, before I interrupted her.

"What's going in Cassidy? It doesn't make any sense." I asked confused.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out.

"What?" I said shocked.

"I just took a test. It was positive." She sighed, with tears in her eyes.

"Have you told Derek?" I asked with a sympathetic smile, trying to hide my shock.

She shook her head.

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