big surprise

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Kayla pov
Wassup y'all it's Kayla Marie here. Let me tell you guys a little bit about me. I'm 17 and I'm a junior I'm high school. My color is black and white. I mixed with Cuban, Asian and American. My hair stops directly at my shoulders but I added weave in it to give it that flow. As y'all read before I date a guy named Deondra but he's such an ass. Today is Saturday and I decided to head to the mall with my girl Mya. We didn't gave nothing else to do. I got ready (outfit above). I let let my hair down and added a clear coat of lip gloss. I then called Mya.

📱Phone conversation 📱

Me: wassup bhoo
Mya: nothing just got done getting dress
Me:good,im on ny way to come get you
Mya:okay hurry up
me:ight bye hoe

📱Phone conversation ends📱
I grabbed my keys and was on my way to go pick up Mya. I saw my mom cooking breakfast for her book that was coming over later ."bye mom" i yelled walking out the door. I got in my car and starter playing Might Not by Weekend. When the song was almost over that's when I was pulling up to Mya house. I honked the horn three times and Mya came running out of the house. She looked pretty good. Today she was wearing a white tennis skirt, a baby blue crop top and baby blue vans. Her hair was in a high pony tail and she had a white bow in the front. She ran and jumped in the car. "Hey bhoo" she semi yelled. "Hey sexy how you doing" i said "I'm good child just glad I'm getting out the house. My brothers so damn aggy child " she said rolling her eyes. "Girl how's my baby doing? " I asked while pulling out the drive way. "He good he is now starting throw teeth so he cry a lot. Mama gives him cold French fries to suck on son the pain would go away. " I laughed. I love her little brother Jeremiah. He makes me want to have kids but Deondra ass won't ever act right. He thinks I'm trying to trap his ass. I know IRS some dirty females out in the world but I'm not one of them. We pulled up to the mall. It was hot like dang.. do the sun ever go places.

We walked in the mall while linking arms. We first stopped but Victoria Secret to buy some Pink . I already have like three sweat suits and I have the phone case. I guess I'll just add to the collection. When we we're finished looking and picking out what we wanted we checked out and went to other stores. Finally we went to Claire's. I love that store. The jewelry and the friendly people is what I really enjoy about it. Plus seeing the happy little girls in the store. I get flash backs but hey I had to grow up . After racking up on jewelry we went to foot locker. We walking around looking for new shoes when i see my friend Micheal. "Hey Micheal " I said with a smile on my face. "Girl you look good" he said while faking like he was taking pictures of me. "Micheal this is my friend Mya, Mya this is Micheal. " I said. "Hey" they both said at the same time. I laughed and walked away. A few seconds later Mya coke back happy as ever. I guess she got his number "girl he invited us to a party" she said semi yelling. "For real, girl it's about to be turnt " I said while clapping her up. We walking around the store some more until something caught Mya's eye."Kayla let's go look at the shoes over here" she said pulling me in another direction. "Why I like these right here" I told her. She started looking over her shoulder and pulling me again. I looked back and saw Deondra walking around with some pregnant chick. I pushed Mya to the side and went over there. "So this is what we do Dra " I said calling him by his Nick name. "Kayla what are you doing here" he said looking aggravated. "I here shopping with Mya " I said folding my arms. "Go back and do that and leave me the hell alone " he told me. "Baby who is this?" The chick he was with asked. She turned around and faced me. Thats when it hit me. When we first started dating that's the girl he called his sister, she's also the girl I saw kissing him on the lockers. Everything was now falling into place "baby she's just some hoe I use to fuck with " he told her. "I wasn't a hoe when you took my virginty was i. No!! I wasn't hoe when you told me you loved me " I yelled. "Im the one who is suppose to be having the baby not her " I said while willing a few stray tears. "Kayla look you was just someone I use to fuck with. No emotion was put into anything that we did, well not on my part. I see you caught feelings baby girl but that's what happen when you get caught slipping " he said while holding his girlfriend. "Fuck you Deondra. I hate you!! " I screamed. "Kayla let's go" Mya said pulling me back. I picked up shoes and started throwing them at Dra. I don't know if one hit his ass but it should have. We walked out the mall all the way to the car. I'm bawling hard. I really loved him and I thought he loved me. Mya takes my bags from me and sits me in the back seat. I laid down and cried while talking to myself. Mya drove us back to her house. Twenty minutes later we pull up to her crib and we get out the car . I'm guessing she called the girls because they are all here. I got out the car and went straight up to her room where I cried my eyes out some more. I can't believe how stupid I am.

Mya pov

I called the girls to come over so we could comfort Kayla. We are all surrounding her and giving her words of encouragement but she's not listening "girl you don't need his ol sherk looking ass. " Robin said while laughing ." For real girl. You are a goddess and your over here crying over a little peasant " I told her. "You are a boss ass bitch. He wasn't good for you in the first place. You cant do wifey shit for a fuck boy . " Mercedes said being honest. "But I love him. Ypu guys just don't know. All the time, tears and commitment went into what we had " Kayla said while sniffling ." You telling me I don't know but in was laying there in your spot two years ago. Y'all remember when I found Derek at Keke house " I told her. All the girls looked down and agreed.Keke was suppose to be my best friend but she took my man and had his baby. Buy like my mama always said if a female is able to take your man, that means he wasn't yours to begin with. "Now what you bout to do is go clean you damn face and put a mother fucking smile on it. You hear me. His dick was probably good but it's better out there. He ol monkey looking ass. He better not let me catch him running the damn streets. I fight niggas too." we all looked towards the door entrance and seen my mother standing there. We laughed hard as hell. My mama is a straight G man. "Hey mama Peach " the girls said "hey ladies, Kayla you heard me?" She asked folding her arms."yes ma'am" she said while sniffling."okay you understood but your ass ain't moved not one inch" mama said. Kayla got up and moved to restroom.

"So ladies what y'all got planned tonight " she asked walking towards the bed to sit down." Well mama peach I have a date tonight " Mercedes said smiling "what about the rest of you" asked looking at me, Robin and Kayla who had just walked back into the room ." We got invited to a party" I told her. "Yep by Micheal " Kayal added. "Ooh Micheal who works at foot locker " Robin said. We laughed cause them two use to fight none stop back in middle school. Not just play fight they use to fight to the finish. Somehow they became best friends. We all thought they we're gonna end up together but they didn't cause he moved. Robin has a man now and Micheal just loved back down here a couple years ago."what time the party start " my mom asked ."it starts at nine but you know we gotta show up late " Kayla said laughing. "Well Ypu ladies got enough time to eat dinner and then go " mama said leaving the room. We all looked at each other and laughed. My mama was a trip I swear.

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