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Niomi pov
The next morning still in pajamas I went to go see Robin. I opened the door and The light was my pathway. "Good morning " I said to Robin. She looked at me and then looked back at the floor. "aww is that they way you gonna treat me" i said while walking over her. "what do you want me with Niomi" Robin asked me while licking her lips. " i want you to suffer the way i had to suffer. you left me when you knew that you were my lifeline . you were my life support and then you just gonna up and marry my brother. " i said while sitting in front of her. " i'm sorry okay, i needed to move on with m y life. i couldn't just sit at the house and do nothing like i use to. when i got that contract i was gone i was out. i stopped talking to my mama and even my best friend. i did not show anyone no damn favoritism ." she said while licking her lips again. I got up and walked out the room and brought back one of my workers with me. "i'll make a deal with you" i said to Robin." okay what's the deal?" she said while giving me her full attention." if you can bring my brother to me today in four hours then guess what , your free to go " i told her telling a lie. " how do i know you're not lying" she asked while looking me in the face. " because my worker is about to untie you clean you up and drop you off at your place" i told her telling the truth this time. I looked at my worker and she untied her. I showed her where the shower was and sent her on her way. I set up a trap , i told my worker she could leave i would handle everything from here. Once she left i snuck inside the bathroom and took her clothes out and but then in the nearby bedroom. Twenty minutes later i heard the shower go off. "Niomi have you seen my clothes" she yelled from the bathroom. "my worker put them in the bedroom  two doors down from you." i told her. In the bedroom there i was laid out in pink and black lingerie . " Niomi what are you doing" Robin said while covering up her body more with the towel. I got off the bed and walked over to Robin and began kissing her. " Niomi you can't be doing this" she moaned in my ear. " you don't miss me " i said to her before kissing her neck. I pulled the towel from around her body and pressed up against her. My hands began to roam her body like they use to. I looked at her as she blushed and smiled , i couldn't help but to have flashbacks of the many night that we had like this. I took on of her breast into my hand and began sucking on the nipple. Robin began to moan and shake just a little bit. " i think i'm done here" I said before walking out the room . " you can't just leave me like this" she said running out of the room. "it's more where that came from when you bring my brother to me" i said before walking out of the building.  I drove back to my house that i share with my husband and two daughters. I walked in the house and had to sneak back upstairs.

I almost made it to the door until my husband opened it." so you had another meeting" my husband James asked me. I walked in the room and rolled my eyes because i knew that he was gonna try and start an argument."James don't start okay i'm not in the mood" i told him before getting on the bed." you never in the mood but you always in the mood for making fucking money" he yelled. His voice echoed off the walls and it caused me to jump a little. " you knew i did this for a living when you married me so why the hell you getting mad now" i said with a little base in my chest. he actually thought he was running this show like nigga you need to back the fuck down. " i know what i got myself into because everytime i look at you .....i regret marrying you" he said. I walked up to him and slapped him with tears strolling my face. " you always wanna put your hands on people" James said before grabbing me by my neck and forcing me against the wall." now listen and listen closely" he said through clenched teeth. " you will be giving up that hell hole of a job because it's tearing us apart. Now if you don't wanna give it up that's fine because your job was here before i was but just know that i will be fighting for custody of our children" he let got of my neck and kissed me. Tears began to come down and all i could do was cry why this man that i love was kissing all over me. He picked me up and slammed me on the bed and ripped off my jeans. " get off of me " i said while trying to get up. He still didnt move so i did everything i could to get him to move. I bite him, i scratched him up , i even punched him a couple of time but that still didnt work. So i laid there and watched the man that i love rape me instead of make love to me.( two hours later) Finally two hours later James rolled off of me and fell asleep. I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom in the hallway. I turned on the light and looked in the mirror. This was not the person who i once was. When did i ever let a man put his hands on me. I lifted my head just a little bit because my neck was still kind of swollen. I cleaned up and left the bathroom. I went back in the room and looked at my phone seen that i had a text from one of my workers. I hoped in the shower and got dress in my all black. I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail and added my red lipstick.  I walked out the house and into the parking garage . I jumped into my all black McLaren 14 and took off towards the warehouse. I called Mercedes along the way because someone was about to be checking into hell today.

Mercedes pov 

 I got a call from Mercedes and she told me to meet her at the warehouse. I was at Mya's house when i got the call so i kissed babygirl and left in a hurry. I drove back home and jumped in the shower. When i got out i walked to my closet and looked at all the black that became familiar with. I pulled out some black tights and a black sweater. I found some black sockets in my drawer and slide then on along with my black combat boots. I took all my curly hair and put it into a neat bun on the top of my head. With the finishes touches i added some dark purple lipstick. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. On the way to the warehouse i had to say a silent prayer because only God knows if i would make it back home tonight. When i pulled up to the warehouse i sat in the car and prayed out loud." Lord i know what i'm about to do is so wrong but i'm in too deep to step back. I hate that i had to find out everything the way i did but if it is in your will and your way then i will make it safe back to my baby girl tonight. It's in your name that i pray...Amen" i said before getting out the car. I walked up to the warehouse and did the secret knock that i learned from the very first time. Two knocks to the left and one to the right , when that was done i was told to follow them to back of the warehouse. I got checked and then i was let into the room with Robin and Augustine.

"Well August i see that you are here what a pleasant surprise" i said while walking to Niomi. " Robin i see that you're here as well, you look better than ever" i added while standing in front of them. " baby what are you doing here" Augustine said with a confused look on his face." oh so now i'm your baby. Was i your baby when you up and married Robin.  " i said while walking around him. Anger came over me and i slapped him a couple of times." Mercedes you really need to chill" Robin said yelling at me. I walked over to that bitch and slapped her ass with the bottom of my gun.  " you always talking shit you need to learn how to shut up sometimes" i said while taking a seat in front of the couple. " well Auggy bear what do you have to say for yourself" i said while sitting back and folding my arms. They looked at me and smiled, next thing i know rope is being tied around me. " what the fuck" i screamed while trying to get out of the chair." you really think i was gonna let you come in and try to kill Robin" Niomi said whiling walking to me and slapping me with he butt of her gun. I thought that Niomi was actually trying to help me but in reality she was setting me up. " now that your here i guess we can just finish you off" Niomi said while picking up her gun. I looked Robin and Augustine and seen then standing up with her. All guns were out pointing at me ...i knew that my time was up. " August what about our daughter Camile" i said while crying " she's with Mya , shes in good hands" That was the last thing he said before he pulled the trigger. My heart was beating the slowest it ever has and my lungs were gasping for air. My eyes slowly closed but the last thing i saw was Robin Kissing Augustine and at that point i was happy to die.

 Im sorry to my readers that really did enjoy Mercedes but i promise you this is not the end. Tell me who you think should die next ?

~love you always Jimyra

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