causing trouble

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(Mercedes in media)

In the morning
mimi P.O.V
I woke up this morning to a knock on the door. I remove august arm from my waist and I get up and put on some clothes. I walk to the door and the person behind it keeps knocking so I keep rushing. I get to the door I open it and Robin is standing behind there.

"Hello Robin"
" watch who you're talking to your about to enter my house "
" does August even know you did that summer?"

It was a party. August and i were fighting. I got drunk my ass off and slept with one of his homeboys. They havent told him. And i wont let this little runt ruin my life with the man i love. After that robin wanted to tell him. But she didnt. She told him to choose her or me and he choose me she wasnt happy.

She walks right inside like she pays the bills in this house.
"What do you want robin"
" oh come on. Your having my cousins baby. Dont act like im not gonna come and say hello" she said looking at the pictures on the wall.
Shes up to something i can feel it and with the wedding coming up and the baby coming. Im afraid of things she bring. "So where is my cousin" she asked taking a seat on the chair closer to me."he's in the bedroom" I said inching away from her slowly."can you tell him that here" she said rasing an eyebrow. I rushed to the room t get Augustine. I to shake him but he wouldn't move."baby Robin is here" I semi yelled. He jumppd up and put on some pants and went down stairs. "Robin what are you doing here" he asked standing by the stairs till I came down. I then held on to him because who knows what trouble she is gonna start. "Well ,I jus waned to drop by and tell you that I miss you" she replied while giving me the evil eye. "Well glad to see you but you gotta get to stepping" he said walking towards the door. " really you gonna kick me out like that. I just wanna tell you why I left and then maybe you can just hear me out" she said smiling at me. I knew that this day was gonna come I just didn't know that it was going to be today. I prayed long and hard that I could just forget about that night bit o guess what happens in the dark will come to light.

Robin POV:
Y'all see how I got Mercedes right where I wanted her. She thinks gonna tell what happen that night at the party but guess what I'm not."so cousion the reason I left was because I had a baby girl but she dies right after birth" I said putting on take tears. I made my voice sound all shakey and I was just bawling. Deep down inside I was laughing my ass off because she was scars of me and my dumb ass cousion believed me."aww man Robin it's gonna be okay" he said walking over to me and comforting me."baby can you go put some tea on please" he asked Mercedes. She looked at me and rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen. After she was dome she went upstairs and slammed the door . she better realize who she fucking with cause I'll tell his bitch ass right now and not feel one ounce of sorry about it. After a while of catching up I decided to go to my hotel room for the night. "Bye Mercedes" I yelled while walking out the house.

Augustine POV:
When Robin left I went a put the coffee mugs in the kitchen and I went upstairs . I found Mercedes laying in bes facing the wall."baby are you okay " I asked while getting in bed and wrapping my arms around her 7 month old belly. " I'm fine baby I just don't trust Robin" I said sitting up. "Now I'm not saying she bad people but baby its been five years since we had that big argument and now she just show up. How did she even know where we fucking stay at" she said getting up and walking around the room. "Baby calm down she said she just wanted to patch things up and plus she told us why she left. Why don't you believe her?" She stopped walking and looked at me like I was speaking Spanish. "Why I don't believe that bitch? You seem to be brain washed baby. She broke us up not one not two but three times and then that bitch tried to stab me" she said sitting at the edge of the bed. I slide down and wrapped my arms around her. "Everything will be fine I promise you" I said while kissing her neck. "Okay baby " she said.

1. why do you think Robin is holding back this big secret?

2.why do you think it slipped Augustine mind that Robin found them after five? did Robin get their address??


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