Mrs.right or Mrs.wrong

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2 months later
Justine pov:
It's now been two months since me and Kayla made it Official. So today my ma called and asked when was gonna bring her around Kayla. I kinda hesitates because my mom always finds a fault in my girlfriends or she makes them run away and I don't like that. Im a grown ass man with my mama still telling me who I can and can not talk to . lemme call Kayla and ask her what she has planned for today.
Phone convo:
Me: hey baby girl how are you
Kayla: hey Babe
Me: Wydn today
Kayla: nothing probably just gonna chill wby
Me: well I was thinking that I come and swoop you up and surprise you
Kayla:ooh that sound nice
Me:okay dress nice babe and I'll be over and get you in a an hour.
Kayla: okay babe see ya soon
Phone convo ends

After I got off the phone with Kayla I went to my closet and found something to wear.I pulled put some white jeans , a result plaid shirt and some black chucks. I threw them on the bed and them went to go shower. I washed my dreads and brushed my teeth while in the shower. I then put on some boxers . after that I walked down to the wash room and got the iron and the ironing board. I ironed my clothes and even put a crease in my pants. After that I unplugged the iron and got dress. I pulled my hair back out my face. I put on my gold chain , my watch and my stud earring. I called Kayla and asked her was she ready. She said she needed more time . I grabbed my key and walked Out my apartment. I drove now to the flower shop and got both of the loving ladies in my life some flowers. I then went to go get some breakfast for me and Kayla . Also the morning paper for my mom's. When I got everything I needed I drove to Kayla house.

"Babe you ready yet" I yelled while putting the flowers in some water."Almost i just gotta find an outfit take a shower and do hair and makeup." She said while coming down stairs in her booty shorts and sports bra."baby really, I called you an hour ago and you telling me that yo ass still not ready" I said looking down at her. "Give me another hour and I'll be done I promise" she said while taking the flowers and the food up stairs. " hurry up man we don't have all day" i said while sitting on the couch and turning on the Tv to some sports.

Kayla pov:
Im getting ready for that day that me and Justine has planned. I still didn't know what to wear . I searched until I found the perfect outfit. I a red plaid shirt and my white shorts. The shoes would be my white vans. I then went to go take a shower. After fifteen minutes I got out and got dress. I then added big curls to my hair that I combed out with a wide tooth comb. I sprayed some perfume on me and walked down stairs."damn baby you look nice" Justine said walking over to me and kissing me on my cheek."thanks baby " I said I turned off all the lights in the house . we locked the doors and went to take pictures in front of the car, and after that he Jogged on my side to open the door for me. He closed it and got in the car himself. Along the way I asked him where we were going cause we left out the city and hour ago ."baby where are we going" I said while turning the radio down. "oh we're going to my mom's house " he said all calm like i didn't have anything to worry about ."really you could have told me. I could have dressed more covered or something "I said while hitting his arm. He just laughed to himself. I looked at him as if he lost his mind . My shorts are not to sort but it's not what you wear to someone's mother's house though. "Baby just be yourself that's all that matters" he said while taking my hand into his. "What if she doesn't like me" I asked kind of nervous. " she doesn't have to like you babe that would be a bonus. I just want y'all to meet so I can show her the second most important women in my life" he looking at me as we pulled up to a red light. The light turned green and we continued to drive for another twenty to thirty minutes. Finally we arrived to his mama house. "Come on baby" he said while getting out the car. "Nope I'm not going in there" I said while sounding like a two year old. "And why not " he asked while getting back in the car."cause baby" I said while shifting my body in the seat so that I was looking a him. "Cause what kayla " he sighed . "Never mind " I opened the car and got out. Seconds later so did he. We walked up together but I kinda hide behind him once we made it to the door."who is " a lady said on the other side of the door . "It's me mama ,Justin" he said while smiling. The door opened and walked out a short lady with honey brown hair and hazel eyes. "Hey baby how you been" she asked him. "I've been good mama how have you been" he asked while taking my hand a pulling me from behind him. "I've been making it by the help of the Lord baby" she said while looking at me. "And you must be Kayla. " she smiled and gave me a hug ."yes ma'am that's me" I said while kissing her cheek. "Don't be calling me ma'am I ain't old. I'm 64 years old but I don't look like it. Call me Katie " she said giving a side eye. "Will do" I said in a soft voice. "Yall come on on in . Im not trying to cool the outside. Yall letting all my air out" she said while walking back into the house.

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