well spent

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Mercedes pov:
Its now have been 4 months since my cousin been here and I must say I see a change in treasure. She goes to school come home and do her chores and states outta trouble . Anyways me and Mya are looking at wedding planners to talk to. Not that I need help but I want to stay organized throughout this whole process. Augustine is at the basketball court with Michael and his friend named Justine but everyone calls him sauce.

"so girl i think i know someone who can help you plan your wedding" Mya said while on the computer

"who girl" i said flipping through the last bridal magazine

"David Tutera" she said turning the computer so that i can see him website.

i took the computer and scanned the website. I got his number and called him right away.


David Tutera: you have reached David T how may i help you
Me: hey David seen some of your work and i love it . I was wondering could you help me plan my wedding.
David: yes ma'am sure thing. So tell me ,what's your budget?
Me: 70,000 at the most
David:what's the theme?
David: do you have any colors?
"White and gold with a little pinch of peach
David: okay do you have a dress style that you want
Me:princess with a lot of fluff
David: okay i can work wonders with that. so give me your name and number and i will make some arrangements to where we could meet up and do some shopping for your big day.
Me: My name is Mercedes (fake number) 754-213-1477 and just let me know.
David: okay darling , have a great day


I looked at Mya and just smiled. My wedding is going to turn out wonderful."so what you feel like doing" Mya asked ." we gotta run to the grocery store and cook dinner. You know the boys gonna come in hungry and i don't wanna hear their mouths." i told her cleaning up the mess we made. " ight girl lemme throw on my slides and we can take my car" she said.We finished cleaning got our phones and keys and left. On the way to the store my baby called so yall know that i had to put on my sexy voice for him.

Phone convo

me: hey baby

Augustine: wasssup girl, what you doing

Me: on the way to the store with Mya wbu

Augustine: bout to play this last game then come home to you

me: ight babye be safe and kick some ass

Augustine: you know i always do. love you baby

Me: love you too

Phone convo ends

"what he wanted child" Mya said laughing cause i couldn't stop blushing. i know that it's been five years since we been together but he still gives me that feel as if we first met. " nothing he was just checking up on me" i said rubbing my stomach. I must say for a pregnant girl i looked good. we made it to the store and walked around. i grabbed a cart and wheeled to the meats aisle . I grabbed some chicken , ground chuck and ground beef, turkey bacon and some stake. After that we moved to the frozen section and Mya grabbed some corn, broccoli, mixed veggies and some pasta in a bag. We also picked up some apples and bananas and some snacks for the crib. We walked up to register 5 and started loading our stuff unto the little slidey thingy. Our cashier gave us no problems and we was in and out. On the way back home Mya's phone began to ring. " girl who's that" i asked being nosey ."Kayla ima put her on speaker" she said .


kayla: hello

us: hey sexy

kayal (laughs) hey yall

us: wassup

kayla: nothing bored wydn

Mya: we just left the store and we bout to head to Mimi's house to cook dinner

Kayla: i can eat..yall do know that right?

Mimi: then you should come then child

kayla: ight im on my way

Mya: ight bhoo much love


We made it back to the house and we prepared dinner. While setting the table the boys and Kayla came walking in the house."hey fellas" I spoke while putting the food on the table.

"Hey shawty"
"Hey Mimi"

I smiled and walked into the my bedroom. There I found August changing clothes. I went and wrapped my arms around his waist."babe how was the game" I asked while laying my head on his back."it was pretty dope" he said Turing so that he faces my way. "How is my baby" he asked kissing my stomach. "The baby is fine " I said .He then stood up and kissed my foreheads. We walked back into the kitchen and I finished fixing the plates. We then prayed and ate.

Kayla pov:
After dinner me and some light skinned dude offered to wash the dishes. While washing the dished he started a conversation."so what's ya name" he asked leaning against the sink."Kayla and yours" I asked putting the plates away."wait Kayla do you work at the pink diamond" he asked in a curious tone."yea" I slowly said while turning around."Kayla ita me Justine" he said smiling like a kid in a candy shop. "Wow how so you know Mercedes and Augustine" I asked. "Well I work with Michael and one day he asked of I wanted to ball with him a couple homeboys .I said yes and that's how we are here today" he said doing jazz hands.
I laughed and threw the dish towel at him. " you gonna regret doing that" he said laughing. "Why am I " then he picked me up and put me on the counter. I laughed and jumped down. Them he put me back on there again. We did this for about five minutes. Finally I just stayed cause my short ass was tired of getting down. "So you gonna be my girl or what" he asked trying to be hard."man ion know you like that I said laughing. Next thing you know I felt a pair of lips on mine. I pulled back and looked at him. I then pulled h back in for another kiss. Six months into knowing him y'all dont know how bad I wanted to kiss his lips. "So you gonna be my girl" he asked as we were forehead to forehead. "Yes Justine I'll be your girl" I said blushing hella hard. We kissed again and then I got off the counter. We finished the kitchen and made our way to living room where everyone was. We sat next to each other until he pulled me unto his lap. "So how do y'all know each other" Mya asked "this is the guy I told you guys about who approached me at the club" I told them."yea and this is the girl I was telling y'all about almost every damn damn man" he added."well y'all cute. Don't hurt my girl cause I'll fuck you up. I maybe pregnant but I can do a lil sum sum" she said while wobbling to the kitchen. We all laughed as she came back eating pickles. "Yo hungry ass" Michael laughed. We laughed again cause she was eating and doing the babymama dance. Soon after that everyone was getting tired so they left . it was just me ,Justine , Mimi, and Augustine. "Aye sauce don't you have class in the morning" Mercedes asked."yes ma'am I do... Why?" He asked "cause its one in the morning and your class start at eight. Take ya ass home and take ya girlfriend
With ya." She said while wobbling to the door. "That's a friendly way of kicking us out" I said while following her to the door. "I thought so too. Good girl get home safe. Call me when you get home" she said stretching the word home. I kissed her cheek and got in my car. She was right i need to go and I was . but that doesn't mean that Justine needed to. I waited for him to come out and asked him to follow me to my place. When we go there we took a shower and laid in my California king bed and cuddled that's all. Who the hell am I fooling. We had sex not jus any sex but that hair pulling ,ass slapping, lip bitting and all. After that we cuddles and went to sleep.

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