five years later

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Mya pov
Wassup y'all it's ya girl Mya and a lot has changed after we all left high-school. Mercedes and Augustine up and got engaged. Plus they have a little one on the way. Moving on to Robin well Robin moves son we don't know what's up with her but we saw her little high school the other day selling drugs. His life turned out bad he has been in and out of jail . I can't remember his name at this moment. Kayla is the same old Kayla. She graduated like the rest of us but she goes to a community college to become a journalist. Im glad she's doing something she instead of worrying about Deondra ol ugly ass. Speaking of him, he had a baby girl and he had the nerve to name her Kayla but she's a cutie tho. I see her all the time on instagram just a smiling and laughing. Last but not least me and Michael. We moved in with each other after we graduated. We have a two bedroom apartment on the second of our building. We have a five month old son named Ryan and he is the love of my life. I go to school online to get my masters degree and Michael is now the manager of foot locker and he attends school online as well to get his bachelor's degree. Everyone turned out pretty good but we all hit motherHood at an early age but it's cool and we making it. Now that I caught y'all up we can now begin.

Michael pov
It's now 12 am and Mya is still not home. she left work four hours ago and I tried calling but got no answer. Im pacing the floor back and forth because this is the first time this happened. I picked up the Phone and called again. Just as I was about to hit redial the door started to unlock. In walked a very happy and very tipsy Mya. "Where have you been?" I asked her while helping her sit her things down. "I went to the mini bar with Reeka and Alma " she replied while sitting on the chair and taking off her heels. "Did you drive? " I asked thinking out loud. "No boy Reka drove me while Alma followed " she said leaning back in the seat. I walked away and went into the bathroom to get her a couple aspirins and some water. I handed them to her and then took the class away from her. I sat on the couch beside her and pulled her feet in my lap and began to massage then. Minutes later she fell asleep. I carried her bridal style up the stairs and took off her clothes and laid her in the bed.
Ryan began to cry so I went to his room and changed him. I also feed him and rocked him back to sleep. After that I showered and check all the doors. While leaving the living room Mya's phone began to ring. I looked at it and it said Tim. I didn't pay it no mind. I let it ring and just put it on the charger when I got back to the bedroom. Once in bed I said a silent prayer and then went to sleep.

Augustine pov
It's one in the morning and Mercedes and I had just finished making love to one another. Things have been good between us. Her daddy got over the fact that we we're dating he just now has to get over the fact that his baby girl is four months pregnant. "Auggy bear you know I love you" Mercedes said while tracing the tattoo of the cross on my chest. "I love you too " I said while kissing her forehead. "Lets get some sleep" I told her. She turned off the bedside lamp and snuggled into my chest. I love this girl man and I can't wait to our little one gets here. "Augustine " Mercedes says while rubbing my arm. "Wassup lil ma " I said while facing her. "What if I can't have this baby? What if I'm not fit mother?" She asked in a shaky voice. We tend to have this conversation at least twice a month . "Baby everything will be fine okay i'm here with you along the way. I wouldn't have made a child with you if I didn't believe everything would be fine. " I told her while stroking her hair. "Okay " she said I'm a soft voice. I continued stroking her hair until she fell asleep. Couple minutes later I let sleep take over me.

Kayla pov

Okay so yall remember me , im not the same girl that i was five years ago. Yes i'm in school to become a journalist but that cost money. i have a job but that little money wasn't working . What am i gonna do with a little 7.50 and hour. I got needs and wants , plus i got bills that have to to be paid. So i decided to become a stripper two years back. It's fast and easy money you know. The club is called pink diamond and its over the top expensive. Bottles cost 300 dollars and up. Anyways i had just from doing my last dance of the night so i'm now in the locker room. im counting my money because i made what looks like over 700 dollars. i threw my money inside my bad and went to change clothes. i changed into some black sweats and a white crop shirt and some white sandals . i threw my hair into a messy bun and called it a night. "bye Laylay " i said while walking to my car. I opened the trunk and put my stuff inside."hey can i talk to you for a second" a voice said behind me. I jumped and slammed the trunk close. i came face to face with this cute light skin. "what can i do for you" i asked while relaxing just a little bit.i couldn't relax all the way because what if he was crazy. " i wanted to tell you that i enjoyed your dance very much" he said ." well thank you, i aim to please" i said while blushing. " my name is Justine" he said while extending his hand. "Kayla" i said while placing my hand into his. He kissed it and let it go so softly. " Well i wanted to ask you can i have your number so that we could get to know each other better". i looked at him. He looked like he had a decent job and he looks like he takes good care of himself so why not. I gave him my number and waited till he walked away to get in my car. Y'all may call me crazy for waiting for him to leave before i got in my but when you work at strip club you see a lot of things . I got in my car and went home. I opened the door to my place and my puppy spotty meet me at the door.i played with her for a little while and then went to go take a shower. when that was done i grabbed my school work and headed to the table to study. After an hour or two past i went to bed.

Robin pov

i'm in Atlanta.. thats all yall need to know right now.

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