Final good-byes

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(The night after Mercedes Died)

Robin pov

It was four in the morning when i felt a breeze come into the room. I woke up and the window was open. I got up and went to close it but i could because a gun was placed to my head. I slowly turned around and i was met with green eyes . The most beautiful green eyes that i ever seen , the same eyes that i fell in love with . The in an instant i knew who this was. " what are you doing here Niomi" i asked while a smile on my face. I walked over to her and tried to kiss her but she hit me with the butt of the gun. I fell to the floor and yelled out in pain. August woke up and looked at me. " Niomi what are you doing here" he asked while helping me up off the floor. " i thought you got what you wanted. you killed Mercedes and now your back...why" i asked while leaning on August for support. "You thought that this was over with bitch prepare to mother fucking die bitch" Niomi said while raising the gun at me. August threw me to the side like i was some type of trash and that wasn't right. I looked at August like he bumped his head. " you see bitch he didnt care about you" She said before cocking her gun. " what happen to i love you" i said looking her in her eyes before shedding a couple tears. " yea Robing what happened to i love you" Niomi said before pointing the gun at August." why do you have the gun pointed my way" he asked with a shaky voice. " i thought blood was thicker than water but i guess not" she said before shooting August in the forehead. His body slowly fell to the floor and i broke down crying. " oh bitch shut the fuck up, you wasn't crying when you left me did you" with that being said she pulled the trigger and i was gone.

Mya Pov:

I was up watching the channel ten news when they showed Mercedes body being taken out of a warehouse. I broke down crying because i knew that meant that my best friend was gone and there was no getting her back. I screamed and broke down crying making Micheal Jump" baby what's wrong" my husband said trying to calm me down." she's gone " i said in between gasping for air. " baby it's gonna be okay " he said holding on to me. " its not gonna be okay babe.  I asked her to promise me that she would come back and now she's never coming back" i aid while holding on to his chest. While crying my phone started ringing and i looked at the screen and it was kayla.

Phone convo

Kayla: She's gone B

Me: i know i  see

kayla: what about Camile

Me: she's in good hands

I hung up the phone because i couldn't stomach the thought of my best friend being gone all at the cost of love. I knew something was fishy that day she first met Augustine because after that Robin wasn't the same anymore. Plus the child took off after high school. Now that i got all the pieces together i knew who i could blame. I hope they rot in hell where they both belong.

(17 years later )

Camile pov

 Here i am , now 17 years old and motherless. I was told my aunt that love can make you do crazy things but why did love have to mess with my mom's mind. Love pushed her over the edge where she just finally wanted the truth. I was told that she let me stay with my Aunt Mya who isn't really my aunt but is my mom's best friend. Then i was told that my dad was a player and that he up and married some girl named Robin. They had kids and all but from as i'm concern if you had girl why mess with my mama.  Everyone love saying my generation is so fucked up in the head but what type of person plans to kill the one they love. I looked out my window at sunny sky and knew that today was the day that i was going to visit my mother's grave. I took a shower and got dress. Nothing fancy but some ripped jeans and black shirt that's cut off on the sides  and all  black Chuck Taylors . I slicked my hair in a ponytail and walked down stairs. "Ryan can you give me a ride to my mother's grave" i asked him while jumping into his lap. "yea ma let's go" He got up and put on his slides , grabbed his keys and walked out the door. 

Down the road from my mother's grave Ryan took my hand. " Are you okay" he asked me while caressing my cheek. " yea i'm fine" i said looking at the floor of the car. He always ask me this when we get closer to the grave site. It's almost like this wave of sadness comes over me because my mother was gone and i couldn't even get her back. He lifted my head and made me look into his eyes. " i'm here if you need me. I promise you i'm not going anywhere" he said while making our fingers lock with each other. He parked the car and we both got out and went to the back where my mother's grave was. I looked at him and then back at the grave . I placed the flowers that we brought on the way here on my mother's grave."hey ma, it's me again. I bet you're probably tired of hearing me" i said while laughing " well i just wanted to tell you that i'm fine and that i love an miss you. But i also came here to tell you that they are trying to play your death as a suicide but i know other wise. I won't stop fighting for you until all of our questions are answered. I know you wouldn't kill yourself over a guy because you had me. Whoever did this to you will die" Ryan placed his hand on my shoulder indicating for me to calm down but i didnt wanna calm down i was on fire right  now. " they thought they could get away with this but they are dead wrong cause it's time for the revenge of Camile" i said before walking back to the car. Ryan came running after me" MiMi you need to calm down" he said while standing in front of me. "how can i calm down when she's gone"  i said with tears in my eyes. I could tell they my eyes are starting to puff up and my nose was turning red. " you have your mom , who do i have" i asked him crossing my arms across my chest. " you have me and i'm not going anywhere...i love you" he said before kissing me. He left me standing there shocked and confused....but one thing that i'm sure about is i'm coming back ten times harder than the motherrfucker who killed my ma." Mimi come on , my ma want us home" Ryan yelled. "coming" i took one last look and they graveyard and ran to the car. This isn't over!!

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