Chapter 17: Yeah, No

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After Black Dragon retreated, Lily had sat with Takeda, Jacqui, Cassie and Kung Jin.
"Not how I thought this year would start," Jin said, taking a huge bite from his lunch. His year had been eventful though. He came out to the girls. But not Takeda. He said that he was worried what Takeda would think, but Lily knew, it wouldn't matter to Takeda. It had been hard to keep it a secret from him.
"Your year hasn't exactly been normal," Jacqui said, glancing at Takeda. Jin pulled a face. It sorta said 'SHUT IT.' Takeda laughed. Everyone looked at him.
"I can read minds," Takeda said. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Other than Jin. He looked anxious. As if Takeda would all of a sudden 'de-friend' him. To break the ice Johnny and a boy came over.
"Hello team, this is your newest member, Robyn, you know, Jade's kid," Johnny said. Lily stood up and ran over to hug Robyn. He looked happier than ever. Everyone shook his hand, and he took a seat between Jin and Cassie. Johnny waved at the team and then left. Lily awkwardly ate some more of her sandwich, and coughed.
"So, erm, Robyn, how are you? I know that my Mum stayed with you last week!" Lily said, trying to break the silence. Robyn smiled.
"Good thanks, Eliana asked me out last week," Robyn said, unpacking his lunch.
"Are you going out?" Takeda asked, he cared for Eliana.
"No, I'm not attracted to her," he said, as if someone asking him out, was nothing. Lily smiled, that was the Robyn that she knew.
"Training time, team," Johnny called out. The team marched into the training room.
"I'll match you up, first up. Jin and Robyn," Johnnh said. Jin's face drooped, it was as if he had tried to give off a good impression, kicking their ass, wouldn't do that. Jin marched towards the centre of the room, Robyn following closely behind him.
"Fight!" Cassie shouted. Jin shot an arrow at Robyn, who dodged it and dashed towards Jin, producing a staff, exactly like Jade's, and stabbing Jin with it, whipping him from side to side. Lily watched Jin, he seemed to be holding back, as if he didn't want to fight Robyn. "Stop," Johnny said. "Next up, Robyn and Lily," Lily knew that she wouldn't hold back. Robyn could protect himself.
"Fight!" Cassie shouted.
"It was my go!" Jacqui shouted back. Lily laughed, and froze Robyn. Afterwards she threw a fan at him, he tried to shoot some sort of smoke towards her. Lily flipped through the air. Throwing a sai at Robyn, she also decided to shoot his knees. This made him fall on his knees. He lost his balamce and fell, arching his back. Lily took this opputunity to run up Robyn's back, kicking him backwards in the process.
"Stop Lily, but show us a fatality on this dummy," Johnny said, gesturing towards a crash dummy. Lily nodded. She had wanted to try this one out for ages, but never had the opputunity to. Lily grabbed a fan, and sliced the head of the dummy off. Afterwards she threw a sai into the head as it fell, pinning it against a wall. He precise aim always came in handy.
"Good, good, practise over. Come back in 2 hours," Johnny asked. Lily walked over to Takeda, and watched Robyn and Jin get to know each other. Hopefully Jin would ease up, trying to take it easy on Robyn.

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