Chapter 20: Did You Miss Me?

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D'Vorah strutted over, holding her ugly 'child' in her arms.
"That's one ugly baby," Lily said, swishing her fans around.
"Not as ugly as you shall be by the end of this fight," D'Vorah replied, storing her child away.
"I know you're but what am I?" Lily asked, reminding her of the time when her and Takeda got in their playful fight about that phrase. Memories, are nothing she reminded herself. They mean nothing. D'Vorah quickly punched Lily in the face. She fell down, grabbing her gun in the process. As she got up she shot D'Vorah's knees, and ran towards her stabbing D'Vorah in the chest with a fan and hitting her away with another. 'Imagine that it's Takeda,' she thought, enraging her more. When D'Vorah was unresponsive, Lily left her. She walked away looking for an opponent.
"Lily," A voice said, behind her. She turned around. All of a sudden, in front of Lily stood.... Lily? A look-a-like of Lily stood in front of Lily. Lily couldn't speak. She couldn't move.
"Who are you?" Lily asked, fearfully.
"You," The Lily said. Lily remembered, that old sorcerer. But, he was dead. Shang Tsung, the dead one. Or not?
"Shang Tsung?" Lily asked, as the other Lily returned to her normal form. An old male with a beard, fireballs in hand and fiery eyes. That was him alright. Shang Tsung. Lily watched as Kitana and Sonya ran over.
"Did you miss me?" Shang Tsung asked. Sonya shook her head.
"Nope, how about you Kitana?" Sonya asked, sarcastically.
"Me neither, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Kitana asked. Lily felt scared. She shouldn't be near when such a dangerous man was near. She dashed off, to find a different apponent.

Out of the corner of Lily's eye, she saw Jacqui, being pinned to the floor by Erron. Lily felt like leaving her there. But as Kitana once said "No one deserves death,". Then she remembered, Takeda said it. Lily ran over to Jacqui and Erron, and jumped on Erron's back. Erron ran around, Lily still on his back, trying to shake her off. She decided to try out her Mother's neck-fan spinny thing. Lily put her fans to Erron's neck, cutting his neck a little and spinning him around.
"Thanks, I am sor..." Jacqui began.
"It's fine, but don't expect me to come again," Lily said, dashing off. She felt cold (no pun intended!). But it was Jacqui's fault too, not just Takeda's. And she would pay too. Actions, consequences.

Lily looked around the Outworld battle field, she saw Sonya and Kitana kicking Shang Tsung's ass, Erron's ass being kicked and Mileena rocking it out there.
"YOU WIN, I SURRENDER," Kotal shouted. Everything stopped. Everyone fell silent. It was as if time was stopped. Mileena began to laugh.
"Say hello to your Emperess of Outworld!!" Mileena shouted. People began to clap and cheer. Lily started laughing and celebrating. Tanya, Melody, Scorpaleena, Mileena and Lily embraced in a group hug, whilst jumping up and down.
"So many years of war, and this is our prize, Outworld!" Tanya shrieked. Lily felt great, unlike the last 24 hours, she actually felt happy. It felt good, really good.
"Look, we need to talk," Takeda said, grabbing Lily's wrist again. Lily decided she should hear who is to blame for tearing her heart out and leaving it pieces.

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