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I'm sick of being everyone's helper. That's all I've done my whole life is just sat around, helping. For once I want to sit back while everything gets put into place for me. Apparently, that's not going to happen. I can sit around and wait all day for something to be brought to me, but it's not going to happen unless I try for it.

Lie Number 1: I control what happens in my life.

This is a lie because, I can't control the decisions someone else in my life makes, yet these decisions can affect me still, but I cannot control them. I just have to sit here and get lucky. I can try to change someone's decision, but in my life, that won't always work, because when it comes to technicalities, I can't control what someone else could say or do. I can only control the decisions that affect my life, which means, I control about one half of what happens in my life.

I guess this makes me a fool for nonsense, just talking about the random thoughts that run across my mind everyday.

is it normal to fall in love with someone, or is it considered abnormal. They say that love is rare, but then they also say it's perfectly natural to love someone. Well, how could something to rare be natural? Is love at first sight real, or is it only a myth. Who knows? You can only know by love's cruel ways of hurt. You have to know what love is before you can say you're in love. Love is not the butterflies you get in your tummy after hearing their name for the billionth time. It is also not feeling a pain in your chest when you think about seeing them. Love is being able to know your partner, being able to look into their eyes and see your love reflected back at you. Being able to know when something is wrong. All these things pertain to love, maybe not the same kind of love, but in all sense, love.

Previously, I said "They say". Who are "they"? Are "they" important? Do "they" make all our life philosophies and decisions? I sure hope not because I thought I was supposed to do that. "They" take over everything. Well, now I sound like a bratty teenager speaking of one's parents. I should just stop trusting in whoever "they" are. "They" have ruined my life quite a bit, whoever "they" are.

Like I said, I am tired of being everyone's helper, but that doesn't mean I'll stop, If a fireman stopped saving someone from a burning building because he was tired, we wouldn't have that person in the world, but we do, why? Because that fireman never gave out, never got tired. So, I will continue to help until my services are no longer needed.

I think that things can change. Yes there are somethings that I control in my life, but I cannot control how they fan out in my future because if there is one thing I cannot determine, it is my future. I can guess and Hypothesize, but I may never determine. It's all a mind game, that's all life is is on ebig hue mind game. It's designed by our own subconscious, and this factor allows us to see life in whatever way we please, so that way, were not forced to see through someone else's eyes.

Or maybe we are, maybe we do see through someone else's eyes, but maybe we don't think we do because that's what were meant to see. I feel like this is all part of a plan made up for us by some cruel sick man who decided that if he could't bring pain on world than what was the use? So, then, he decided to flick on this ugly plague on human kind called life.

And now, were stuck here living life, and making life, and being in life. It honestly all surrounds that one word, so maybe...maybe that one word is the trouble, but maybe...maybe it's the answer, but that is a question that cannot be answered by someone else, because while you can't determine your future, it doens't mean that someone else can.

It's time to wake up human kind. It's time to wake up and smell the roses, because they're finally blooming, and it is quite a time to take a good whiff. Just remember which things in o=your life are questions and which are answers, because if you get those mixed up, you'll have a lot more problems that you'd think in life.

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